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Best Face Forward 2017 Final Challenge Results

Best Face Forward 2017 Final Challenge Results

Hello contestants and spectators!

At long last, we have come to the end of our Best Face Forward contest. Thank you for hanging in there for the long haul and for everyone's support throughout. 

Firstly, we'd like to congratulate HeirofGlee for being our winner of Best Face Forward 2018! Congratulations! Glee was a returning contestant from last year, and we were incredibly fortunate to have her and her talent back to compete. She wins not only a $100 gift certificate to Arda Wigs, but also a prize package of makeup supplies provided by us and prizes from our generous sponsors, Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, Court of the Dead, Crown Brushes, EBA Performance Makeup, and Samhain Contact Lenses. 

Second place is awarded to Crimsyn Cosplay! He will receive a $75 gift certificate to our website as well as a prize package supplied by Arda Wigs.

Third place is Donttouchmymilk Cosplay! She will receive a $75 gift certificate to our website and an additional $20 gift certificate for taking the top place in the audience poll.

Congratulations, contestants! Your Court of the Dead body paints were impressive and an incredible amount of work. All of them were fantastic and the decision was a difficult and close one. We'd like to thank ALL of the contestants who participated. The amount of time and dedication everyone put forth was beyond anything that we were expecting. Thank you for making Best Face Forward 2018 a success, and we look forward to the upcoming contest later this year! <3

HeirofGlee - Cleopsis

heirofglee cleopsis

Presentation: 8.67

Character/Accuracy: 8.67

Use of Product/Efficiency of Materials: 8.67

Cleanliness/Technique: 9

Artistry (BONUS): 4.67

TOTAL: 39.68/45


Crimsyn Cosplay - Xiall

crimsyn xiall

Presentation: 8.67

Character/Accuracy: 7.67

Use of Product/Efficiency of Materials: 9

Cleanliness/Technique: 9

Artistry (BONUS): 4.67

TOTAL: 39.01/45


Donttouchmymilk Cosplay - Avarkus

donttouchmymilk avarkus

Presentation: 9

Character/Accuracy: 7

Use of Product/Efficiency of Materials: 9

Cleanliness/Technique: 8

Artistry (BONUS): 4

TOTAL: 37/45

Scores were determined by a panel of three Arda judges. Scores were added up and divided by three for an average score of 45 points possible. Contestants are welcome to contact us if they would like a private critique. 



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