*Order processing time: 10-15 business days. We will be on a short shipping pause from February 14-23rd while we vend at Katsucon. Any order not shipped before February 13th will be shipped when we return starting on February 24th. Please email us at orders@arda-wigs.com if you are on a deadline as we are still catching up from holiday break and a large restock arriving. Thanks for your patience!*

Customer Spotlight: Mango Sirene

Customer Spotlight: Mango Sirene


Wig style and color: Jeannie & Short Bang Clip in Black 064
Photographer credit: Elemental Photography

This week we interviewed a long-time customer, Mango Sirene! Be sure to check out her Youtube channel here!

Q:  When did you start cosplaying, and what got you started?
A:  I first started cosplaying in 2007, I was Hermione for the release of the 7th Harry Potter book. I attended my first convention that year as well when I went to Youmacon for a day or two. It was so much fun, and I’ve been hooked ever since!

Q:  What is your favorite part of the costume-making process?
A:  Anything that involves painting. Something about having a paintbrush in my hand is incredibly relaxing, especially since painting is so methodical. I especially love painting armor!

Q:  Which costume are you most proud of?
A:  Right now that’s probably my Batgirl 2014 costume. I made everything for that costume from scratch, and it involved a lot of complex pattern drafting. Sewing isn’t really my forte, so to successfully sew a super-detailed motorcycle jacket on my own is something I’m definitely proud of accomplishing!

Q:  Do you have a favorite Arda Wig style and/or color?
A:  I have an armada of Jeannies; I think the total is up to 12 or 13 now. But surprisingly my favorite Arda wig is actually the Rufio! I have one in Apple Red and it’s my favorite wig. I wish I could have a faux hawk in “real life”!

Q:  What advice do you have for new cosplayers getting into the hobby?
A:  Don’t be afraid of pushing your comfort level in terms of craftsmanship! Even if a project looks super intimidating, let yourself take a stab at it. I wish I’d gotten involved with serious prop-work earlier because I’m still learning a lot of the skills necessary to create more complex props.

 Would you like to apply for a Customer Spotlight of your own? Fill out our form here!

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