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Customer Spotlight: Wendykkuma

Customer Spotlight: Wendykkuma


Cosplay: D.Va from Overwatch

Wig style and color: Natasha in Mahogany

Photos by Photogkun

This week we interviewed our customer, Wendykkuma! See more of her work via Facebook!

Q: When did you start cosplaying, and what got you started?
A: I started cosplaying in high school. I was a part of the theatre department and would sew our costumes, I eventually thought it would be cool to make a costume of my favorite video game character for funsies. Then when I went to my first convention I saw other people wearing all sorts of costumes and thus began my addiction to cosplaying and conventions.

Q: What is your favorite part of the costume-making process?
A: My favorite part about the costume-making process is when I am about halfway done and my mound of material actually looks like something wearable. I like to just wear it in front of a mirror for awhile as I imagine the rest of the details I have to add. It gets me really excited for the end result and motivation to power through the rest of it.

Q: Which costume are you most proud of?
A: I am most proud of my D.Va cosplay from Overwatch because it really pushed me to improve my pattern-making abilities. The costume is comfy, low maintenance, and the fabrics photographed really well.

Q: Do you have a favorite Arda Wig style and/or color?
A: My favorite Arda wig is my white Jane wig because it makes me feel like a fairy and never gets ratty. I also fell in love with Arda’s mahogany wig. I got so many compliments on the color and many people told me I should dye my real hair to match it.

Q: What advice do you have for new cosplayers getting into the hobby?
A: My advice for new cosplayers getting into the hobby would be to take your time to make your costume great. Spend the extra money for nice materials or fancy wigs. You want to honor the character you cosplay as, and if your costume is really great, you will want to wear it over and over again. Quality over quantity.

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