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Iron Wig 2019 Round 4 Results

Iron Wig 2019 Round 4 Results

We are pleased to announce the round 4 results of Iron Wig 2019!

Scores were determined by a panel of three Arda judges. Scores are added up and divided by three for an average score. Contestants are welcome to contact our staff if they would like a private critique.

Viktor had the top score this round! Since the next round is the final one, a $25 certificate will be awarded instead of immunity.

Alana from TokiMade placed 1st in the audience poll, which has earned her a $20 certificate. Congrats!

We are very sad to see Jazzy go, but she'll be receiving a $50 certificate for participating in Iron Wig 2019. Thanks so much for your hard work, Jazzy!

The next round is our last one! Stay tuned in a few weeks once our remaining contestants have received their final packages.

Viktor of Wigtor & Cutsudon

Cleanliness: 10
Complexity: 9.83
Accuracy: 10
Total: 29.83

Alana from TokiMade

Cleanliness: 8.5
Complexity: 10
Accuracy: 9.83
Total: 28.33

Linda Vreeburg sfx

Cleanliness: 7.33
Complexity: 9
Accuracy: 9
Total: 25.33

Jazzy of Crepuscular Cosplay

Cleanliness: 7.67
Complexity: 7.67
Accuracy: 8
Total: 23.33

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