Iron Wig 2021 Final Round Results

The results are finally in!
Scores were determined by a panel of three Arda judges. Scores are added up and divided by three for an average score. Contestants are welcome to contact our staff if they would like a private critique.
The winners are as follows:
1st Place: Nori
2nd Place: Starlight Wigs
3rd Place: Panadonia
Our audience favorite this round was Panadonia. Much congrats!!!
We're so happy our entrants could participate with us in this smaller version of our Iron Wig competition. How we decide to do Iron Wig 2022 may depend on how international shipping times are looking later this year, but we'll be taking applications in November regardless! Polish your portfolios and keep an eye open for announcements.
Presentation: 10
Cleanliness: 8.67
Complexity: 9
Cleanliness: 8.67
Complexity: 9
Creativity/Design: 10
Tutorial: 9.33
Total: 47
Starlight Wigs
Presentation: 9.67
Cleanliness: 8.67
Complexity: 8
Cleanliness: 8.67
Complexity: 8
Creativity/Design: 8.67
Tutorial: 8.67
Total: 43.67
Presentation: 9
Cleanliness: 9
Complexity: 6.67
Cleanliness: 9
Complexity: 6.67
Creativity/Design: 8.33
Tutorial: 8
Total: 41