IRON WIG 2023 - Results Round 2

We are pleased to announce the second round of results for Iron Wig 2023!
Scores were determined by a panel of three Arda judges. Scores were added up and divided by three for an average score. Contestants are welcome to contact our staff if they would like a private critique.
Symphonia had the top score this round! They've earned immunity for the next round on the condition they still participate. This guarantees a spot in the finals!
There will be no eliminations this round, as AJ and Aki dropped out due to personal issues. Additionally one round will be cut from the contest.

Presentation: 10
Cleanliness: 9.6
Complexity of styling : 10
Cleanliness: 9.6
Complexity of styling : 10
Creativity/Design of styling : 9
Material Efficiency: 10
Total: 48.6

Presentation: 9.3
Cleanliness: 9
Complexity of styling: 8.5
Cleanliness: 9
Complexity of styling: 8.5
Creativity/Design of styling: 8.5
Material Efficiency: 10
Total: 45.3
Amak Wigs

Presentation: 6.3
Cleanliness: 7.6
Complexity of styling: 7
Cleanliness: 7.6
Complexity of styling: 7
Creativity/Design of styling: 6.2
Material Efficiency: 7.6
Total: 34.8
Presentation: 8.3
Cleanliness: 5.3
Complexity of styling: 4.3
Cleanliness: 5.3
Complexity of styling: 4.3
Creativity/Design of styling: 4.3
Material Efficiency: 5
Total: 27.3