Iron Wig 2024 Round 2 Results

We are pleased to announce the second round of results for Iron Wig 2024!
Scores were determined by a panel of three Arda judges. Scores were added up and divided by three for an average score. Contestants are welcome to contact our staff if they would like a private critique.
Minedoko snagged the top score this round by just 2/3 of a point! It was a close round and both contestants did splendidly!
Yumiko Styling did come in first place in our audience poll and $20 in store credit will be added to their final winnings.
Since we had two contestants bow out this round, both remaining contestants will advance to the final round!

Presentation: 9.83
Cleanliness: 10
Complexity of styling: 9.83
Cleanliness: 10
Complexity of styling: 9.83
Creativity/Design of styling: 10
Material Efficiency: 10
Total: 49.67
Yumiko Styling
Presentation: 10
Cleanliness: 10
Complexity of styling : 9.83
Cleanliness: 10
Complexity of styling : 9.83
Creativity/Design of styling : 9.67
Material Efficiency: 9.5
Total: 49