*Order processing time: 8-10 business days. Email us at orders@arda-wigs.com with any questions or deadlines. Thanks for your patience!*

Arda Wigs Holiday Hype Week!


This sale starts at midnight, Monday November 23rd at 12:00 AM CST and runs until Friday November 27th at 11:59PM CST. Arda Classic wigs and the makeup listed above will increase in discount from 20% to 25% on November 26th at 12:00 AM midnight until the end of the sale. All other discounts will stay the same during the entire length of the sale. Discounts cannot be applied retroactively to orders placed before the sale begins. Silky wigs are final sale.

Because of previous website issues with items drastically overselling unbeknownst to customers, preloading carts is prohibited. All preloaded carts will be subject to a cart timeout that will empty waiting carts before the sale begins. This is to attempt to combat items overselling. Backorders will not be available during the sale. When an item goes out of stock, it will not be available for order during the remainder of the sale. All oversold items will be refunded. We will contact you as soon as possible if we find out your order is oversold. PLEASE UNDERSTAND it may take up to five days for us to get to your order and contact you, as 90% of our holiday sale traffic is seen in the first hour of the sale going live.

The discounts listed above will be available in the shopping cart page of our website as coupons and can be applied to the items before checkout. YOU MUST CLICK ON THE COUPONS TO APPLY THE DISCOUNTS TO YOUR ORDER. Multiple coupons can be used in the same order and there is no limit to the amount of orders the coupons can be used on. Items themselves will not reflect the discount until the coupon is applied.

Processing times will be extended to 5+ business days depending on sale traffic.

May the odds be ever in your favor.

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WARNING: You may purchase a higher quantity than what we currently have in stock, but by placing this OUT OF STOCK item in your cart, you are agreeing to place your ENTIRE ORDER on BACKORDER! This means your order will not ship until it can be completely fulfilled by the backordered item(s). Orders cannot be split after they are placed. If you need available items sooner, please purchase them on a separate transaction. Please visit our Backorder Policies page and Restock page for details.