*Order processing time: 8-10 business days. Email us at orders@arda-wigs.com with any questions or deadlines. Thanks for your patience!*

Come see us at C2E2 2018!

Come see us at C2E2 2018!

We have lots to share with you this year at C2E2!

Wig Care Booth

At our wig care booth, there is no wig disaster we can't handle. Marvel at our wigmancer powers in Cosplay Central; we promise we'll save the day!

Click here for more info about the care booth, and join our Facebook event if you're interested in attending the panel!

Cosplay Wigs for Beginners - Friday, April 6th from 3:45-4:45 P.M CST.



Come to Cosplay Central on the show floor to learn how to select the right type of wig for your costume, basic styling such spikes and curls, how to add volume, and how to take care of your wigs!


Iron Wig Live - Sunday, April 8th at 11:00 AM CST

We will be hosting a live version of our Iron Wig competition this year within C2E2 Cosplay Central! Four stylists will have the opportunity to show off their skills and compete for a $100 Arda Wigs gift certificate.

See our blog or Facebook event for more info.


Makeup Q & A - Saturday, April 7th from  5:00 PM - 6:00 PM CST

Cosplay Central Stage

Love special effects makeup and cosplay? Come see Ganondorf from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess brought to life! Ask SFX artist Miya Tamlyn and cosplayer Ex-Shadow what it took to make this amazing build.

Is makeup your passion? Come see our amazing makeup artist Miya Tamlynbring these characters to life. Swing by Cosplay Central at C2E2 throughout the day to watch it progress!

Friday, April 6th: Bioshock

10am – 4pm CST

Saturday, April 7th: Ganondorf from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

10am – 4pm CST

Sunday, April 8th: Hades from Disney’s Hercules

10am – 2pm CST

Catch some wigs in action with our talented friends at Acrobatica Infiniti! They’ll wow you with amazing stunts and performances.

Where: Family HQ

Friday  1:30 PM

Saturday  1:30 PM

Sunday  1:45 PM

Saturday, April 7th

Party on at Kroll's South Loop bar (21+) - only a short distance away from the con center. Arda will be hosting a cosplay contest with great prizes! The party starts at 8 PM, and the contest starts at 10 PM.

Most importantly, wherever your plans take you, have a safe and wonderful time at C2E2. We hope to see you there!

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