D&December 2024

Got Charisma?
Grab your cosplay gear, suit up, and roll for initiative! We want to see what you bring to the table in our annual epic fantasy cosplay quest. Share your original costumes featuring an Arda wig to qualify for amazing loot!
We’ll be sharing one submission every weekday across social media through December 23rd.
Entries shared Monday - Thursday receive a $10 Arda Wigs gift certificate.
Entries shared on December 13th and 20th receive a $50 Arda Wigs gift certificate!
Our Grand Prize entry shared on December 23rd receives a $100 Arda Wigs gift certificate!
- Submissions must be posted on Instagram and Facebook between December 4th and December 23rd. Winners will be reshared via Instagram/Facebook; if you submit you’re giving us permission to reshare on Instagram with proper credit to the original social media name.
- Entries must feature a costume of your own original fantasy-based tabletop character; no intellectual property-based character photos please! (This means no Critical Role/TAZ/etc.) Let us know your character name and a little bit about them and what they like best about adventuring and/or their fellow party members. Or, share a fun story about your tabletop gaming experience!
- You must include hashtags #ardashare and #ardadnd2024 in your submission caption along with the wig style and color used. Instagram entries should also be sent to us via DM! Please view our user generated content policy here before utilizing the #ardashare hashtag.
Original characters from other fantasy tabletop RPGs such as Pathfinder are welcome, but we're looking for that good ole fantasy theme.