*Order processing time: 8-10 business days. Email us at orders@arda-wigs.com with any questions or deadlines. Thanks for your patience!*

Moving & Shipping Notice

Moving & Shipping Notice
Xmas and NYE are both just around the corner! And, since we are undertaking a huge warehouse relocation and are typically closed for the holidays, we want to outline our schedule for the next month so that you are prepared.

Our last day to ship out orders is Friday, Dec 18th as our warehouse staff will need next week (Dec 21-24th) to finish packing before we go on holiday. Keep in mind that order processing and shipping will be on a hiatus during these weeks while we move. Order processing and shipping will resume on Monday, Jan 18th.

If you need to contact customer service for any reason, you have until Thursday, Dec 24th as we will be closed for break starting Friday, Dec 25th and will resume normal business (customer service, social media) on Monday, Jan 4th. We will stop accepting returns to Chicago starting Tues, Dec 15th. Beginning Jan 4th, all returns will be directed to ship to our new location (email customer service at orders@arda-wigs.com for details). If anyone has previously shipped returns before Tues, Dec 15, we will still be able to receive them. Not to worry!

You will still be able to place orders during this whole period as the website will not experience any down time. Just be aware that order fulfillment will be delayed until full business capabilities resume Monday, Jan 18th. We will let everyone know if we are up and running sooner! This announcement is only applicable to Arda Wigs USA.

Thank you so much for understanding. Have a safe and happy holiday!

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WARNING: You may purchase a higher quantity than what we currently have in stock, but by placing this OUT OF STOCK item in your cart, you are agreeing to place your ENTIRE ORDER on BACKORDER! This means your order will not ship until it can be completely fulfilled by the backordered item(s). Orders cannot be split after they are placed. If you need available items sooner, please purchase them on a separate transaction. Please visit our Backorder Policies page and Restock page for details.