Represent Arda Wigs Banner Contest (Winter 2016)

The next Arda Wigs photo contest is about to start! As always, you can win the opportunity to be the Facebook cover photo for the Arda Wigs Facebook page, be featured on our Tumblr banner and the Arda Wigs website banner, all with a $20 gift certificate as the cherry on top. Additionally, the grand prize winner will receive a full sheet of our Thibra thermoplastic!
- Out of the photos submitted, the Arda team will be selecting the grand prize winner to be featured on all our main banners. We’ll be doing some crop tests on a handful of favorite photos to see what would look best within our website banner’s 1200×350 dimensions. You might consider submitting a couple alternative photos with your entry in the scenario that your first choice doesn’t quite fit the banner’s orientation. Horizontal-oriented images are preferred for this reason!
- The second and third spot on our rotating banner will be selected via an audience poll. These winners will each receive a $20 certificate to our website.
- Out of the remaining entries, we select a few “Arda’s Choice” winners to be featured on our website's “Wigs in Action” feature.
- We now have a new prize: "Canada's choice!" Our friends at Arda Wigs Canada will be selecting a winner to be featured on their website, and the winner will receive similar prizes to our normal grand prize.
For this Represent Arda Wigs contest, please submit photos of yourself wearing an Arda wig to Please use the following format for your entry:
- Photos containing excessive blood/gore, nudity, drugs, vulgar language, sexual acts, & potentially offensive content will not be accepted.
- Photos that are blurry, altered too much in color, overly photoshopped, overly crowded and not centered with the cosplayer as the focus of the photo will not be accepted.
- Please refrain from house photos into mirrors and progress shots; they will not be accepted.
- We must be able to see the wig. This doesn’t mean we need one photo that has multiple angles in it, but just a nice shot that really shows off the wig you used and the styling done to it, if any. Don’t be afraid to show your wonderful work.
- Contestants are only allowed to win once each year. That means if you won in the Winter 2015 contest, you cannot enter again until Spring 2017 or later. This includes winners featured on the main website banner, but not the “Arda Choice” winners featured in “Wigs in Action”.
- Only one entry per person. You can enter a group, but no one in the group is allowed to enter another photo of themselves. If you enter in a group, know that we only give out one gift certificate/prize.
- Photos will be judged for acceptance first by the employees of Arda Wigs, and then they will be added to a photo poll for you to vote on. All entries will be added at the same time.
- Please refrain from photos of yourself in a crowded room or convention hall; they will not be accepted. The cosplayer or cosplayers must be the main focus of the photo.
- PHOTO SIZE IS IMPORTANT! Please provide us with the highest quality photo you can, preferably 300 DPI, and the image needs to be at /least/ 1200 pixels wide! Smaller photos will be considered, but if the photo is overly small/too low of a resolution and you don’t have a larger backup, we may be unable to create an ad from your photo, and will therefore have to reject it. Basically, we need to be provided with a photo that’s large enough to create a banner and an ad out of. If you’re unsure, email us with your photo and we’ll let you know if it’s too small.
- PLEASE GET PERMISSION FROM YOUR PHOTOGRAPHERS! If we have to take a photo down that you have submitted, you will no longer be allowed to submit.
Deadline for submissions is December 14th, at Noon CST! We will then be selecting our Grand Prize winner, and the rest of the entries will be available to vote by the following Monday Voting will last a few days (exact date will be announced once the poll is up). The poll winner will be announced the day after the poll closes.
We will be posting entry photos in a facebook album for everyone to see and share, but the actual voting will be happening through a Facebook app. The number of facebook likes received will not count towards the number of votes!
Any contestant found to be using an off-site, third party bot or crowd source farming website will be disqualified from the contest and have their photo removed from the lineup.
The winners’ photos will be featured for an estimate of 3 months.
Please direct all questions to
Let the photo sharing commence!
*The winners of this contest will be featured January through March on, with 1st place also on our social media platforms. “Wigs in Action” features are semi-permanent unless requested otherwise.