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Represent Arda Wigs Fall 2019 Banner Contest

Represent Arda Wigs Fall 2019 Banner Contest

Model: Maddog | Photographer: Loulouliuuu

The next Arda Wigs photo contest is about to start! As always, you can win the opportunity to be featured on our website and social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc) banners. Each grand prize winner will receive a set of our two new rainbow wigs: Belmont and Halsted!

  • Out of the photos submitted, the Arda Wigs USA team and Arda Wigs Canada team will each be selecting a grand prize winner to be featured on their website and social media banners. We’ll be doing some crop tests on a handful of favorite photos to see what would look best within our website banner’s 1903×495 dimensions. You might consider submitting a couple alternative photos with your entry in the scenario that your first choice doesn’t quite fit the banner’s orientation. 
  • One audience choice winner will be chosen via an Audience poll and will receive a $20 gift certificate to our website. This photo will be featured on our Facebook's animated banner along with the grand prize winning photo and our 2019 Iron Wig winner.
Photo Rules:
  • All entries must be oriented horizontally! Portraits will not be accepted.
  • Photos containing excessive blood/gore, nudity, drugs, vulgar language, sexual acts, & potentially offensive content will not be accepted.
  • Photos that are blurry, altered too much in color, overly photoshopped, overly crowded and not centered with the model as the focus of the photo will not be accepted.
  • Please don't submit photos with extra people or cars in the background that aren't intentionally part of the shot. Photos in a crowded room/convention hall will not be accepted. 
  • Please refrain from house photos, into mirrors, and progress shots; they will not be accepted.
  • All models' faces must be seen. No back shots, please!
  • Wig entries must have the wig visible. This does not mean we need one photo that has multiple angles in it, but just a nice shot that really shows off the wig you used and the styling done to it, if any. Don’t be afraid to show your wonderful work!
  • PHOTO SIZE IS IMPORTANT! Please provide us with the highest quality photo you can, preferably 300 DPI, and the image needs to be at least 1900 pixels wide! Smaller photos will be considered, but if the photo is overly small/too low of a resolution and you don’t have a larger backup, it might not be accepted. Enlarging photos that are a low resolution will result in an image that is too blurry to use. If you’re unsure, email us with your photo and we’ll let you know if it’s too small. This is a larger size than previous contests, as the banner is larger with our new theme.
  • Do not crop your image to the banner dimensions! Our graphics designer can do this if the image is selected.  A taller image is needed for social media banners like Facebook, so having some extra pixels to work with is preferred.

Entrant Rules

  • PLEASE GET PERMISSION FROM YOUR PHOTOGRAPHERS! A copyright agreement will be required to give us permission to publish your submitted entry on our social media, website, and in promotional materials and advertising. Further details are on the application form page.
  • Winning contestants must wait at least one year before they can qualify to enter again. That means if you were a banner winner in the Fall 2018 contest, you cannot enter again until Winter 2019 or later.
  • If an image was entered before but didn't win any prizes, you can submit a different photo of the same look, but not the same photo entered before.
  • The featured model must be wearing an Arda Wig. Please let us know which style and color were used!
  • Only one entry per person. You can enter a group, but no one in the group is allowed to enter another photo of themselves. All group members must be wearing an Arda Wig as well. If you enter in a group, know that we only give out one gift certificate/prize.
  • Seasonal Sponsors are allowed to enter (as long as their entry is not using a sponsored wig), but long-term sponsors are not.
  • If you are under the age of 18, a signature will be required from your parent or guardian. 
  • Due to the number of entries we receive, we are no longer able to follow-up for re-submissions if your image does not meet the guidelines. If your entry was not accepted and you're unsure why, you're welcome to email us and we'd be happy to let you know what to look out for in the next banner contest.
  • Photos meeting the above guidelines will qualify for the audience poll, but in the scenario a winning poll photo is not suitable for editing, the next most-voted entry will be considered. We reserve the right to disqualify a photo entry if it does not make a suitable horizontal banner photo. 

Deadline for submissions is September 18th at Noon/12:00 P.M. CDT! Photos will be judged for acceptance first by the employees of Arda Wigs. We will then be selecting our Grand Prize winner (one for each Arda USA and Arda Canada), and the rest of the accepted entries will be available for voting via an audience poll within the following few days. The poll will close on September 30th, and the winners will be announced within the following few days.
We will be posting accepted entry photos in a Facebook album for everyone to see and share, but the actual voting will be happening through a poll application. All entries will be added to the album at the same time. The number of Facebook likes received will not count towards the number of votes!

The voting duration will last a little over a week. Any contestant found to be using an off-site, third-party bot or crowdsource farming website will be disqualified from the contest and have their photo removed from the lineup. 

Data collected from the poll application will not be distributed to 3rd parties. It will only be used to determine vote credibility. Votes with incomplete or fake information will not be counted.

The winners’ photos will be featured for an estimate of 3 months.

Please direct all questions to contests@arda-wigs.com


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