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Summer 2019 Colors

Summer 2019 Colors

We can’t celebrate our 10 year anniversary without bringing you some new colors!

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CLASSIC Fiber Color

SILKY Fiber Color

Much like Raven, Mirkwood Green, and Dark Purple, this shade is a blend of black with red that appears closer to black under low light and more red under brighter lighting conditions.
This lovely muted pink shade has replaced Lightning Pink / Aurora Pink. It's a tad more grey than before but reads more pink. A perfect option for FFXIII's Lightning or Junko from Danganronpa!
This muted purple shade has replaced Dark Lavender / Amethyst. It has cooler violet tones and a softer appearance overall. Perfect for Sheena from Tales of Symphonia or Anko from Naruto.
Chroma Blue / Lancer Blue has replaced Charcoal Blue / Steel Blue in number, but the shade is completely different! It's darker than Indigo Blue but lighter and more saturated than Dark Blue.
No worries, we carry Blue Grey as a closer alternative for Charcoal Blue!
Lighter than our Mint color, this pastel green is similar in lightness to shades such as Pale Pink, Pale Lilac, and Powder Blue.
This is a lighter green with a hint of teal blended in. Perfect for Ms. Joke from My Hero Academia!
Replacing Emerald Green / Kelly Green, this new green is more vibrant! Excellent choice for Sothis from Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Replacing Laurel Green / Seafoam Green, this new shade has a hint more green while maintaining a muted appearance.
Finally, a blonde shade that is lighter than Ash Blonde while maintaining a more natural look! Perfect for Elsa and Daenerys.
So bright! Not quite Pure White, but also lighter than Titanium Blonde. It has a slightly more yellow tone than Frost Blonde / Mica.
This is replacing our long-discontinued Orange Sherbert in number, but the color is completely different! It has more red/pink like our Salmon color, though it's a bit lighter.
We wanted the perfect Riku color, and this is it: a light grey with the smallest hint of purple.




We've also added a few items to our Vivids collection! Browse them here:

VIVID Fiber Colors

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