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Where’s Silky?

Where’s Silky?

Over the past month we’ve been getting a lot of questions about where our Silky wigs have gone, and if we are reordering them. We sent out a survey to ask you, the customers, what you thought of our new fiber, and we got some great feedback!! The short answer is, yes, we will be reordering Silky! But we want to make sure it’s the best product it can be. Therefore, we are addressing some of the concerns we received in our Silky survey, and we will be travelling to China this month to view some new Silky samples straight from our factory. We want to make sure this is still the same soft fiber and color blends people loved, while maintaining our high standards pertaining to temperature, shine, and quality.

What does this mean? Well, mainly it means that we hope to be having news of improved Silky within a few weeks! We really received an overwhelming supportive response, and we want to be committed to bringing you the best products possible. Thanks for supporting us and we are excited for the future!

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