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How to Make a Hard Shell Wig Cap

How to Make a Hard Shell Wig Cap

How to Make a Hard Shell Wig Cap

A Tutorial by Hairmel for Iron Wig 2018

Things you will need:
Cast Tape, t-pins, craft pins, cotton wig liner or equivalent, Canvas wig block, Cellophane wrap, Clear Packing tape, marker, gloves, small bucket, Ice Water, hot glue gun, and glue or sewing supplies
Cast Tape can be purchased online through Amazon. It is the stuff medical pros use to build a cast when you have broken a bone. It is Fiber Glass and can hurt you when dry and cut edges so be careful. It is also VERY important to wear gloves when working with it, the glue is hard to remove from your hands as well as the fiberglass is not good to get in your skin.
This is great to use in theatre for making character wigs and quick change wigs. I used it to create the dome shapes inside my larger wigs. It is very lightweight and attaching the hair fibers by sewing or gluing is very easy.

1. Cover Canvas wig block with cellophane wrap and packing tape.
2. Secure wig to block with t pins.

3. Mark the outline of wig on the cellophane with a marker. 
4. Remove the wig.
5. Cover again with cellophane and tape.


6. Pin liner along the shape of outline, creating a space in the back for expansion. .

7. Following direction with the Cast Tape.
Always use gloves, I like to use Ice Water in the bucket (it slows setting time, But work fast cause it does set up FAST. Wrap as neatly as possible, I like to make sure the wig edge is a smooth and uncut as possible all along the hairline.
8. LET DRY. up to 24 hours but can be ready to work within the hour!!

9. Remove pins from the cotton liner and fold over the edge and secure. I used hot glue but you can sew through the material.
10. TEST. remove from block. Just to make sure it comes off! Then put it back on.
11. Cover with the wig, pin in center front and ear tabs.

12. Secure wig to shell either by sewing or hot glue.

13. Ready to style as needed.

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