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Tutorial Master List

Tutorial Master List
Understanding different types of wigs
How to wear a wig
How to use Arda accessories
 Wefts: Explained
 Removing and Adding Wefts by Cowbutt Crunchies
How to accessorize and keep heavy wigs on with wig clips
How to wear a lace front by Cowbutt Crunchies
 Bangs on lace fronts
Using accordion combs for heavy wigs
Long Clips vs. Long Wefts
 How to size a wig larger
 How to size a wig smaller
• How to size a Chibi larger or smaller
 How to use ponytail wraps
 How to wear and style Hairbuns
 Tripod Mannequin Stand
 Fixing Wig Static
 How to Pack Wigs by Cowbutt Crunchies
 How to Wear a Viktor
 Fashion Wigs vs. Wigs for Styling
 Why does my short wig feel coarse?
 Why is there short fiber in my long wig?
 Different Fiber Types and Quality
 Why are short wigs curled under?
• Fixing Bag Hair on Skin Top Hairlines by Malindachan
How to detangle straight and curly wigs
How to wash your wig
How to save a tangled/frizzy wig
How to fix specialty ponytail wigs and "bag hair"
Bag hair fix: Bubbled tops
 Bag hair fix: gaps and bumps
Fixing itchy wigs
Coloring with alcohol-based markers by Cowbutt Crunchies
 Ombre Dye Tutorial
 Rit Dyemore Tutorial 
 Kryolan Color Spray
 How to use Arda Hair Chalk
 How to Blend Arda Hair Chalk
 Assist Cosme Wig Dyes
How to cut your own bangs
• How to cut "Bishounen Bangs"
How to cut with a hair shaping razor
 Adding Layers/Texture
• How to Thin a Wig
 Transforming a long wig into a short style
 Securing removable hair pieces by Cowbutt Crunchies
Ponytail Wig Hack
 How to straighten a wig
 Using heat on heat-resistant wigs
How to curl with hot water
How to spike your wig
How to style fluffy anime bangs
How to ventilate a lace front
Quick and easy hairlines
How to splice wigs together
 How to splice lacefronts together
 How to combine wigs for volume
How to prepare wigs for ponytails and up-dos
How to achieve pigtails on non-pigtail wigs
 Creating high pigtails with non pigtail wigs by Cowbutt Crunchies
How to alter Arda's Jasmine or Jeannie bangs
• Creating Different Shapes by Axel Wig Shop 
 Wood Glue Magic by Fish'n'wigs
• Undercut wig tutorial 
• Beard tutorial
• Detachable ponytail wig by Alana van den Berg
• Using Wefts and Jumbo Braids for ears and tail construction by Havenaims 
• Pinup Look
• Ahoge Tutorial
• Adding Length and Volume to Wigs by RHatake
• Making a Hard Shell Wig Cap by HairMel
• Moving a Skin Top
Hair Scales by Cowbutt Crunchies
 Wavy Spikes by Cowbutt Crunchies
• Fluffy Spikes

Easy Extensions from Ponytail Clips

• Creating Hairbuns from Wraps and Clips
• How to Pluck Lacefronts
• How to fluff a Josephine
• Adding baby hairs to updos and ponytails
How to Style a Faux Hawk on a Rocky
 How to add a Faux Hawk using a Ponytail Clip
 How to Create a Faux Ombre with Wefts
 Harlequin Weaving by Cowbutt Crunchies
 Drill Curls
 Crochet Afro by Jukebox Blues
 Texturizing Wigs by Kaptain.76
 4-Piece Braid by Kaptain.76

• How to Tease Ponytails

• Expanding Foam Core Tutorial by Malindachan
• Feathers out of Wig Fibers by Cowbutt Crunchies
• Loose Ponytail and Braid Volume Hack by Malindachan
• Creating Texture with a Flat Iron by Vickie Bane
• Creating Texture with a Crimping Iron by Vickie Bane
• Creating Texture with Flexi Rods by Vickie Bane
• Adding Volume with Jumbo Braids by Vickie Bane
DIY Ponytail Clip by Malindachan
 Detail Crimper for Volume by AllieCatCosplay
• How to add a Lacefront by Malindachan
Braid Ideas for Beginners by Malindachan
 Glue Facial Hair by Malindachan
  Wig Styling Tools Guide by Malindachan


American Horror Story
 The Countess Updo by Hee-Hee


Brand New Animal
 Michiru Wig & Ears by Malindachan
 Nazuna Hiwatashi by Malindachan


Devil May Cry
 Nero (DMC5)
Cinderella Wig by J.Hart Design
Elsa Tutorial by Supernovadobe
 Rapunzel by Malindachan
• Cruella De Vil
Demon Slayer
• Mitsuri Kanroji by Malindachan
DragonBall Z
• Vegeta by Tiphani of ProsandConsCosplay


Fantastic Beasts
Final Fantasy
 Aerith by Malindachan
 Rufus Shinra by Malindachan
 Cloud Strife by Malindachan
 FF XVI Protagonist by Malindachan
 Zack Fair with Glued Hairline by Malindachan
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
 Marianne by Malindachan


Genshin Impact
 Venti by Malindachan


Hocus Pocus
 Winifred wig


Inuyasha wig by Hee-hee


Jem and the Holograms
 Pizzazz & Stormer wigs by Hee-Hee
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
 Jolyne Cujoh by Malindachan
 Josuke Higashikata by Malindachan


Kill La Kill
Nui Harime Tutorial by NekoNami Cosplay
Kingdom Hearts
Axel Wig by Chibinischan
 Sora Part 1 & Part 2
 Marluxia's layers


Legend of Zelda
Great Fairy wig by U.P. Cosplay
 Breath of the Wild Link
 Breath of the Wild 2 Zelda by Malindachan


MAGI: The Labyrinth of Magic
Judal/Judar Wig by Malindachan
Magical Doremi
 Doremi Harukaze by FallenWings
 Black Widow (Endgame) by Cowbutt Crunchies
My Hero Academia
 Izuku Midoriya/Deku by Cowbutt Crunchies
 Aizawa Quirk by Malindachan


Neo Yokio
 Kaz Kaan by Victoria Bane


Otome Youkai Zaku
Hozuki and Bonbori by Koi0ishly
Sombra Wig Tutorial
 Brigitte Wig Tutorial
 Mei Wig Tutorial by Anigamer Cosplay
One Piece
 Roronoa Zoro by Malindachan


Persona 5
Wicke Wig Tutorial by Pisara Cosplay
 Professor Willow wig by Hee-Hee
Puella Magi Madoka Magica


Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon wig by AntiquityDreams
 Sailor Moon odango hack using clips
Teasing tails for Chibi Moon
 Styling Hairbuns for Chibi Moon
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
 Glimmer by Vickie Bane
 Double Trouble
 Catra by Malindachan
 Entrapta by Tiphani of ProsandConsCosplay
Super Mario
 Bowsette or Peach's Ponytail


Violet Evergarden

 Violet Evergarden Wig Tutorial


    Yuri on Ice!!!
    Viktor Wig Tutorial by Pisara Cosplay
    Christophe Undercut Tutorial
    Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon
    Setsuna Clip-In Extensions by Malindachan

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