Arda's Best Face Forward 2016 Round 1 Results

We are pleased to announce the results of our first challenge for Arda's Best Face Forward 2016!
Scores were determined by a panel of three Arda judges. Scores were added up and divided by three for an average score. Contestants are welcome to contact us if they would like a private critique.
The top score was awarded to Amanda Bang! She is granted immunity for the next round as long as she participates. Congrats!
The audience poll winner was also Amanda Bang! In addition to winning immunity for the next challenge, she will also be receiving a $20 Arda gift certificate.
Michinohime received the lowest score and will not be advancing to the next round, but she will be getting a $20 gift certificate for participating. Thank you for your hard work, Michinohime! And congratulations to all who participated! We will be announcing our next challenge shortly after Thanksgiving. Happy Turkey Day!
Amanda Bang
Use of Product/Efficiency of Materials 10
Presentation 9.67
Creativity 9.33
Cleanliness 10
TOTAL 39/40
Use of Product/Efficiency of Materials 7
Presentation 8.67
Creativity 9
Cleanliness 9
TOTAL 33.67/40
Heir of Glee
Use of Product/Efficiency of Materials 9.33
Presentation 8
Creativity 8.33
Cleanliness 7.67
TOTAL 33.33/40
Zack the Ripper Cosplay
Use of Product/Efficiency of Materials 7.67
Presentation 8.33
Creativity 8.33
Cleanliness 7.67
TOTAL 32/40
Kaluohs Cosplay
Use of Product/Efficiency of Materials 7.67
Presentation 7.67
Creativity 8
Cleanliness 7.33
TOTAL 30.67/40
Use of Product/Efficiency of Materials 6
Presentation 5.67
Creativity 5
Cleanliness 8
TOTAL 24.67/40
Tardiness Penalty (-15%) 20.97/40