Customer Spotlight: A to Z Cosplay

A to Z Cosplay
Cosplay: Periwinkle from Tinkerbell and Friends
Wig style and color: Malinda in Silver
Photos by Mike Zettinig Photos
This week we interviewed our customer, A to Z Cosplay! See more of her work via Facebook!
Q: When did you start cosplaying, and what got you started?
A: I guess you could technically say that I started to cosplay back in 2011 when I attended by my first convention in a costume that I didn’t consider specifically for Halloween. I was dating a guy that was very into costuming and being in character, it seemed incredibly interesting and fun, not to mention, an opportunity for me to pull out my sewing talents and get back into the swing of creating my own clothing.
Q: What is your favorite part of the costume-making process?
A: Challenge. Every costume that I make seems to contain an element that I haven’t encountered before. Such as, with Periwinkle, I made my own pattern for the costume…then dyed my own shoes…made my own wings…used lights…and styled my first wig. All of which, were new challenges for me. Learning something new is what keeps me creating.
Q: Which costume are you most proud of?
A: Periwinkle is my most technical and accurate costume to date. I really put a lot of heart and soul into creating the sister to Tinkerbell. I found myself extremely driven to make something awesome because I was making my costume while 6 other members were doing the same. Having a deadline of an event scheduled for children with cancer within our non-profit organization Guardians of Justice was a huge drive, too.
Q: Do you have a favorite Arda Wig style and/or color?
A: I am a big fan of the Arda classic line, I tend to do a lot of characters that are cartoon based, which rarely have natural color hair. However, I am dying to create a character that will allow me to have bubble-gum pink hair at some point, something like the Hot Pink (AR014).
Q: What advice do you have for new cosplayers getting into the hobby?
A: Be open and ask questions. Do not be afraid to ask the person that you look up to for answers to your problems. If they don’t answer…screw them, find someone else to follow. I have been a long time fan of Kamui cosplay and no matter how big she has been, she has answered the questions I’ve had for her. Sometimes the cosplayers with less following have the best answers, because they did all the trial and erring themselves and will be able to tell you all the things to avoid. Not to mention, actually have interest in your doing well.
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