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Customer Spotlight: Myshonok Cosplay

Customer Spotlight: Myshonok Cosplay

Myshonok Cosplay

Cosplay: Uzu Sanageyama from Kill la Kill

Wig style and color: Magnum in Olive

Photos by Cnidarium Photography

This week we interviewed our customer, Myshonok Cosplay! See more of their work via Facebook!

Q: When did you start cosplaying, and what got you started?
A: My first official cosplay was started on a whim in spring 2012, but I’d been interested in the hobby for years preceding that. Since I live in a small town, it took a while to finally start gathering resources and making my dream a reality. I’m still a relatively amateur cosplayer and congoer, but the experience continues to motivate me to break out of my “small town shell” and really put myself out there.

Q: What is your favorite part of the costume-making process?
A: The wigs, by FAR. I get so deep into the process from beginning to end that I’ll be stuck in my room for days on end when completing a wig project. Finding the perfect base, working out the design, modifying the base to whatever extent necessary, and pulling it all together in final styling is definitely most fun process for me. I’ve even gotten to the point now where I choose characters specifically for their hairstyles, just to give myself a challenge and develop or practice new techniques.

Q: Which costume are you most proud of?
A: All of my cosplays hold a certain amount of pride for me, mostly because of the specific processes behind each one and the different ways each one is received at conventions. While I’m not necessarily more proud of him than the rest, Bertolt Hoover has been with me for years and has become a kind of “comfort zone” cosplay. I’ve had tons of time to perfect the costume and become totally satisfied with the way I look as him, so wearing him is pretty effortless and always enjoyable. I’d say I’m proud of myself for taking an “easy” cosplay like that and really taking time to improve, and not just scrapping him in the beginning when I didn’t like the way I looked at first. Not to mention that he’s my favorite fictional character ever, bar-none.

Q: Do you have a favorite Arda Wig style and/or color?
A: I love the versatility of the Jett, but the Magnum is my favorite to work with. Something about the specific style and thickness makes them so easy to get to the perfect “anime” look. Color-wise, I’m a huge fan of Natural Black. No other wig manufacturer has something between black and dark brown that’s quite like it. It’s a great option for when you need a character’s hair to be super dark, but not stark black.


Q: What advice do you have for new cosplayers getting into the hobby?
A: Never stop improving! There’s always room to make changes in any cosplay. It might be “finished” when you wear it to one con, but if there’s something you’re not satisfied with, rework it and make it better! It’s a great way to develop and practice new skills, and you’ll feel so much more accomplished in the long run.

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