Customer Spotlight: Devious Tofu Cosplay

Devious Tofu Cosplay
Cosplay: Noire from Fire Emblem: Awakening
Wig style and color: Magnum in Dark Ash Blonde
Photos by Krunchy Studios
This week we interviewed our customer, Devious Tofu Cosplay! See more of their work via Facebook!
Q: When did you start cosplaying, and what got you started?
A: I started cosplaying before I knew what cosplay was, actually! I dressed up as Kikyo from Inuyasha for Halloween one year in middle school. After that, I was researching online and I discovered there was a convention nearby! My first official convention was Ikasucon 2005 where I cosplayed Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist. What got me started was a love for the characters and a passion to learn how to make their outfits a reality!
Q: What is your favorite part of the costume-making process?
A: Probably being able to turn an imaginary outfit into something real. It’s very rewarding to start to see the pieces come together!
Q: Which costume are you most proud of?
A: This was the first costume I’ve ever made armor for (out of craft foam and worbla) and I’m really proud of how it turned out! However if I were to go with a costume that I was the most proud of sewing-wise, I’d probably say my Merida cosplay from Brave.
Q: Do you have a favorite Arda Wig style and/or color?
A: I do! I think the Ferrari is a beautiful style of wig, they’re great for just casual wear if you need to change things up! A color I like and use a lot is Dark Ash Blonde. It’s a really nice mix of blonde fibers and isn’t too yellow.
Q: What advice do you have for new cosplayers getting into the hobby?
A: First and foremost: Have fun!! Always remember that all cosplayers are just like you – big ‘ol nerds who dress up in costumes and run around conventions in their spare time. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I know that I personally love helping out new cosplayers! It’s a great community full of great people, you’ll fit in just fine!
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