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Customer Spotlight: Nibu.Cosplay

Customer Spotlight: Nibu.Cosplay


Cosplay: Vaporeon Gijinka

Wig style and color: Luthien in Midnight Blue

Photos by Fluffy Cosplay

This week we interviewed our customer, Nibu.Cosplay! See more of their work via Facebook!

Q: When did you start cosplaying, and what got you started?
A: I went to my very first anime convention in 2010 and at this time, I did not know what cosplay was. It was only in 2014 that I realized how incredible this passion is. I saw all these cosplayers and the hard work they put in their costumes. This is when I started crafting my own cosplays and decided that I wanted to become a cosplayer.

Q: What is your favorite part of the costume-making process?
A: Armor making is a huge part I simply love about cosplay but the exact thing I love the most is armors and props painting. This is the moment when you finally get to see how your cosplay will look like when finished. And of course, it means you’re almost done! Haha!!

Q: Which costume are you most proud of?
A: Without any doubt, my Vaporeon cosplay, which is why I sent this photo for this Spotlight. This was my first time building a breastplate and pauldrons and I am really proud how it turned out. I just feel so good when I wear it!

Q: Do you have a favorite Arda Wig style and/or color?
A: All Arda Wigs I tried were simply awesome, but if I have to pick a single model to wear everyday of my life, it would be a “Jaguar”, that’s for sure! For the colors, I really like “Dark Lavender”, “Midnight Blue” and “Crimson”!

Q: What advice do you have for new cosplayers getting into the hobby?
A: Of course, Rule #1 of cosplay is having fun!
However, a good advice is to try to always pick a cosplay you know you can achieve while always challenging yourself. Being pround of ourselves is, in my opinion, one of the best feeling you can have while cosplaying. Do not be afraid ! Mistakes are a big part of cosplay learning!

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