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Customer Spotlight: Identivity Cosplay

Customer Spotlight: Identivity Cosplay

Identivity Cosplay

Wig style and color: Katinka and Long Wefts in Black

Photo by BunnyTuan

This week we interviewed our customer, Identivity Cosplay! See more of her work via facebook!

Q: When did you start cosplaying, and what got you started?
A: I started cosplaying around 2005-2006. I had been going to conventions for about 3 years at that point (mostly Anime Expo and Comic Con), but one year I stayed with some friends at a small convention, and I was the only one not cosplaying. One of the girls was about my size, so I borrowed one of her costumes, and enjoyed every minute of being dressed up. Soon after that I started learning how to sew and eventually making my own cosplays.

Q: What is your favorite part of the costume-making process?
A: I know some people would say “finishing the costume” but despite the stress and frustration, I enjoy the sewing part the most. It’s when I get to see my plans come to life, and hopefully in the process learn some new skills, along with improving skills I was weak on in the past.

Q: Which costume are you most proud of?
A: I would probably have to say the Jellyfish Dress Kuranosuke wears in Princess Jellyfish. I made a corset and a petticoat and 2 layers of  circle skirts, along with hand beading the corset and hand hemming the skirts. I also spliced two wigs together and painted the shoes because I couldn’t find a color I liked. I entered it into the Fanime 2015 Masquerade, and ended up winning Best Construction in the Journeyman Division! I’d competed before, but this was my first “big” convention win, so I was pretty proud of myself.

Q: Do you have a favorite Arda Wig style and/or color?
A: Oh man, there’s too many to choose from! I’d probably had to say the Lulu, since it makes such a great base for ponytail wigs. As for color, I’d have to say Maroon, since it’s so pretty, and I look good in it.

Q: What advice do you have for new cosplayers getting into the hobby?
A: Practice practice practice! Unless you’ve been sewing for a long time, your first costume won’t be that great, and that’s okay! Just keep making costumes and soon you’ll see a vast improvement. I look at my stuff from even 5 years ago and compare it to now and I can see how far I’ve come. If you have access, take classes. Talk to other cosplayers! In my experience, it’s hard to get us to shut up once we start talking about our costumes, so don’t be afraid to ask how someone did something or if they have any suggestions on making something better.

So don’t give up if your costume doesn’t turn out perfect, just keep trying!

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