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Customer Spotlight: Jobielee Cosplay

Customer Spotlight: Jobielee Cosplay

Jobielee Cosplay

Cosplay: Yona from Akatsuki No Yona

Wig style and color: Jane in Crimson + Apple Red Short Wefts

Photos by Cnidarium Photography

This week we interviewed our customer, Jobielee Cosplay! See more of their work via Facebook!

Q: When did you start cosplaying, and what got you started?
A: I started cosplaying almost two years ago now. I had wanted to get into it for years. I always admired cosplayers and what they were able to create. A good friend of mine have me the final push I needed and I rushed to finish Usagi’s school uniform from Sailor Moon. I got it done in a week and it was a hot mess, but I was proud of it. I decided right then I wanted to get better and make things like what I had seen others do.

Q: What is your favorite part of the costume-making process?
A: Honestly my favorite part of the process is the detail work. I know that sounds crazy, but I’m a stickler for accuracy and love trying to get as close as I can to the character or design. Sometimes I wonder what I have gotten myself into and then I remember how satisfying it is to see all your hard work and how it’s really brought the costume to life.

Q: Which costume are you most proud of?
A: The costume I am most proud of is honestly Yona. While simple, I added a lot of details to it. There’s pockets on the dress (yay storage), it’s completely lined and serged, I drafted the vest and belt pattern myself, hand painted the gold trim, blind stitched the hems, made my own props even! I could go on about why I’m proud of this costume. I really put a lot of love into it and I feel like it shows. It’s also the first cosplay that I can say is incredibly durable and will likely last me a long time.

Q: Do you have a favorite Arda Wig style and/or color?
A: It’s hard to narrow down a favorite Arda wig of mine. I’ve used so many! I would probably say that my favorite wig is the Dany, especially in Titanium Blonde. I used it for a Daenerys cosplay and it looked so natural! Couldn’t even see my bright orange hair underneath. I also tend to like any wig in Aqua Blue. It’s a gorgeous color.

Q: What advice do you have for new cosplayers getting into the hobby?
A: My advice for new cosplayers is to not ever be afraid to ask questions or ask for help. I know if I hadn’t had some amazing people help me out a long the way, I would not have been able to accomplish some of my costumes. Sometimes people can be a little unwilling to help or share their construction tips/methods and that’s ok! For every person like that there are so many more who DO want to help! Just keep asking, but also don’t be afraid to do a little research on your own. Google is your best friend and I can honestly say my google- fu has gotten much better since I started cosplaying. Secondly, don’t let the negativity bring you down and don’t contribute to it. There is a small pocket of folks who can be not so great, as with anything. The cosplay community should be about helping each other and building each other up, not tearing each other down. The more people we have doing that, then the better an environment it is for everyone.

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