*Order processing time: 10-15 business days. We will be on a short shipping pause from February 14-23rd while we vend at Katsucon. Any order not shipped before February 13th will be shipped when we return starting on February 24th. Please email us at orders@arda-wigs.com if you are on a deadline as we are still catching up from holiday break and a large restock arriving. Thanks for your patience!*

Customer Spotlight: Raven Night

Customer Spotlight: Raven Night
Raven Night as Velma
Wig style and color: Adam in Dark Brown 056
Photo by Gabi Bennet


This week we interviewed customer, Raven Night! See more of her work via her facebook


Q:  When did you start cosplaying, and what got you started?
My first cosplay experience was at Anime Boston 2006.  I found out about the convention a week ahead of time, and didn’t want to be left out when my friends were wearing costumes.  I had so much fun that I never stopped!

Q:  What is your favorite part of the costume-making process?
My favorite part is seeing all the pieces come together.  It’s so much fun to see all the fabric scraps, jewels, and assortment of craft supplies that you purchased start taking form into something recognizable.

Q:  Which costume are you most proud of?
Everyone tells me that my Velma is my best costume, but I’m probably most proud of my Gajinka Flareon from Pokemon or Rosette from Chrono Crusade.

Q:  Do you have a favorite Arda Wig style and/or color?
No.  I love them all.  I feel like it’s just a matter of time before I have most, if not all, of them on heads around my apartment…

Q:  What advice do you have for new cosplayers getting into the hobby?
Do what you love.  Pick a character that speaks to you and just have fun with it.  The fact that you love it will come through with your finished product.  It’s a lot more fun making something that you’re motivated to do, rather than one you are doing because you think you should.

 Would you like to apply for a Customer Spotlight of your own? Fill out our form here!

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