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Customer Spotlight: Tinker Cosplay Studios

Customer Spotlight: Tinker Cosplay Studios

Tinker Cosplay Studios

Cosplay: Cardcaptor Sakura

Wig style and color: Inigo + Short Wefts in Sandy Brown

Photos by Cosplay Close-Up

This week we interviewed our customer, Tinker Cosplay Studios! See more of her work via Facebook!

Q: When did you start cosplaying, and what got you started?
A: I say that I started cosplaying a little over 5 years ago. I say that because I’ve been sewing and making costumes since I was 6 years old. But I didn’t really know that cosplay was a thing until 6 or so years ago.  I got into cosplay because I had a few friends that did it and it just came naturally to me. I’ve always been a crafty and loved dressing up so cosplaying was just a great fit.

Q: What is your favorite part of the costume-making process?
A: This is a hard question because I love so many things about the process. When I decide I’m going to make a cosplay the first thing I do is find references and go wig shopping. Wig shopping is almost a stress reviling activity for me now. I also really enjoy thinking up all of the ways I could make parts of the cosplay. When I sew I kind of just go for it. I pattern on the cloth and wing it. this works for me, but not everyone. My favorite thing to see is near the end, when things start to come together and I almost want to cry because it looks better then I thought it would. Some times I almost cry because I’m so happy.

Q: Which costume are you most proud of?
A: This is an easy one. My Card Captor Sakura cosplay is my favorite of all of my cosplays so far. I have been wanting to cosplay her for years. When a friend of mine was working at JCP the store she worked at got rid of all of their table cloths. She know that I could use the fabric for something so she gave me a few trash bags of Red JCP table cloths.  I saved them for close to 4 years until I thought I could do the costume justice. So it was one of my cosplay goals in life to be Card Captor Sakura in her fluffy red dress.

Q: Do you have a favorite Arda Wig style and/or color?
A: Right now my favorite Arda wig in a wig from a past seasonal collection. It’s the Owl. I love the color and it fits me really well I wear it all that time and people think it’s my real hair. I also love the magnum in general. My first ever wig was a light blond magnum that I still wear to this day.

Q: What advice do you have for new cosplayers getting into the hobby?
A: TAKE IT SLOW! Don’t take on to many things at first. Because when you take it slow you will be happier with what you have made. It’s better in my mind to make 3-5 new cosplays a year that are really well made that you love then 10+ a year. that will fall apart and you will not want to wear them again. Also budgeting is really important. I know it’s sad but you can’t spend all of your money on cosplay and con going. And most of all get to know other cosplayers and make friends. Your good cosplay friends will be some of you best friends in the world! I’m really glad that I started going to small cons at first because it let me take the time to really get to know some awesome people that I still hang out with every con I see them at.  Always remember to have fun making and wearing your cosplay and you will be fine.

 Would you like to apply for a Customer Spotlight of your own? Fill out our form here!

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