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Customer Spotlight: Alice from Arms, Armor and Awesome

Customer Spotlight: Alice from Arms, Armor and Awesome

Arms, Armor and Awesome

Cosplay: 18th Century Zagara from Heroes of the Storm/Starcraft

Wig style and color: Matilda in Black and a Bag of black and dark purple Wefts

Photos by York in a Box

This week we interviewed our customer, Alice from Arms, Armor and Awesome! See more of her work via her Website or Facebook!

Q: When did you start cosplaying, and what got you started?
A: I started cosplaying in 2009 because I was going to BlizzCon that year and, being a person who loves to research everything I do, I realized that people dressed up in costumes for it! I had always wanted to try cosplaying since I had a few friends who were into the hobby, so I commissioned a costume (finding out quickly that I didn’t have the time or skill to make one that I would be proud of that year) and styled my own wig and accessories. I was hooked since (and it didn’t hurt that I met my now husband at that same convention, the first time he was cosplaying too!) My husband, his brother, and I now cosplay together as Arms, Armor, and Awesome (or tripleacosplay).

Q: What is your favorite part of the costume-making process?
A: I love planning. I think it’s so important to visualize how every piece of the costume is going to be made before you even touch it. I find that it helps the process smoother for me, and when I have a list and sketches of every piece of the costume, it’s easier during the actual costume making process.

Q: Which costume are you most proud of?
A: I have a Kerrigan costume that my husband and I made in 2011. We did everything from scratch: molded my body, sculpted, made all of the molds and cast many of the pieces in foam latex. The costume itself didn’t turn out quite as well as we hoped (the colors of the paint job didn’t turn out right in the bright lights of the convention) but I’m incredibly proud of how much work we put into it and how much we learned during that process.

Q: Do you have a favorite Arda Wig style and/or color?
A: Ferrari is my go-to when I want something natural looking and easy to wear without any styling for a day when I want to just wear a wig. When I have a costume that needs a blonde wig, I always go with ash blonde because I learned that it’s the best Arda blonde that matches my complexion.

Q: What advice do you have for new cosplayers getting into the hobby?
A: Do your research, and don’t be afraid to ask other cosplayers questions (but only if you’ve searched for the answer first and couldn’t find it!). There are so many resources out there now for new cosplayers, and many other cosplayers putting up tutorials and photo guides on how they did a particular costume.

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