Iron Wig 2018: Final Round Rules

Hello contestants and spectators, and welcome to the final round of Iron Wig 2018!
Our contestants each received a package with several wig options:
-Suzi in Peach
-Venus in Pure White
-Ororo in Laurel Green
-Nicki in Plum
-Luthien Silky in Black Pepper
-2 packs long wefts in Orange Sherbet
Contestants: you must complete 3 wigs over the course of 6 weeks! Here are the challenges:
-Period Hairstyle Challenge
Select a time period from any point in history, and create a hairstyle that fits within that period. Let us know which time period inspired you upon submitting the entry. Does not need to be a "natural" hair color.
-Tutorial Challenge
This is a freestyle challenge, though you must create a tutorial for the main technique used. Can be in photo or video form.
-Freestyle Challenge
Style this wig however you like using the selection of materials provided!
You can use accessories and support materials such as foam/etc, but the only fiber you can use is what's provided in your box.
Progress photos are not required though they do help! Take photos of several angles of the finished wig. You may have assistance with the photography, makeup, modeling, etc (just not the styling).
These are the categories we will be judging you on for a total of 50 points possible:
- Overall Presentation (10 points)
- Overall Cleanliness (10 points)
- Period Wig (10 points)
- Tutorial Wig (10 points)
- Freestyle Wig (10 points)
Here’s a rundown on how each category works:
OVERALL PRESENTATION (20% of your final score)
Presentation is how the wigs are showcased. Photos of each wig from different angles are required and showcasing on a person rather than a mannequin is preferred. Creating a look with makeup and/or fashion could also improve your score. You don’t need a professional photographer or model; if you make an effort to show your wig off on a real person, get photos under good lighting, and in front of a non-distracting background, you will do well in this category.
OVERALL CLEANLINESS (20% of your final score)
We’ll be looking at imperfections within the techniques applied. Here are some but not all examples to consider:
- If the hair is intended to be smooth, are there gaps or bumps?
- If the hair is curled or textured, is it consistent in the applied area?
- Do cut areas look unintentionally choppy or uneven?
- Is there a distracting amount of glue visible?
If something looks out of place from the intended styling, points could be deducted.
PERIOD WIG (20% of your final score)
We'll be looking at the complexity of techniques used and accuracy to the chosen time period to determine your score. Please provide a list of techniques used if they're not apparent in progress images.
TUTORIAL WIG (20% of your final score)
We'll be looking at the creativity of technique used for the tutorial. Efficiency and clarity of the tutorial itself can also effect your score! Photos of the fully finished wig look are also required.
FREESTYLE WIG (20% of your final score)
We'll be looking at both the complexity of techniques used and creativity of the style to determine a score. Please provide a list of techniques used if they're not apparent in progress images.
There will be a panel of 3 Arda judges; scores will be added up and divided by 3 to give each contestant an average score for each category. Contestants are welcome to reach out to the Arda team for a private critique after scores have been published.
Here is the prize breakdown:
1st place: $100 gift certificate to Arda Wigs, and $500 worth wig styling tools and supplies
2nd place: $75 gift certificate to Arda Wigs, and $100 worth wig styling tools and supplies
3rd place: $75 gift certificate to Arda Wigs
There will be an audience favorite poll once the results are in; the top favorite will receive a $25 gift certificate to our website!
Late entry policy: Entries submitted within 12 hours after the deadline can be accepted as a late entry. Late entries will not be qualified to enter the audience poll and will receive a 25% point deduction from their total score. This will likely result in being eliminated from the competition, but the contestant can still receive their $50 certificate. Entries submitted past the 12-hour late entry period will be disqualified and will not qualify for their $50 certificate.
Your deadline will be June 18th, 2018 at 12:00 P.M. CST / UTC -6:00.
If you are unsure of what time zone this correlates to in your area, please feel free to ask us via email! That's a little over 7 weeks to complete the 3 wigs.
Have fun and best of luck! You're almost done!