Iron Wig 2018 Round 4 results

We are pleased to announce the round 4 results of Iron Wig 2018!
Scores were determined by a panel of three Arda judges. Scores are added up and divided by three for an average score. Contestants are welcome to contact our staff if they would like a private critique.
The top score for this round is RHatake! Since the next round will be the final one, she has earned a $25 gift certificate rather than immunity.
RHatake was also the top favorite in our poll, which awards her an additional $25 gift certificate! Much congrats!
This was a double elimination round. Since HairMel earned immunity last round, Calico and GoldenMochi will be going home. They won't be empty-handed; they each earned a $50 certificate for participating in Iron Wig 2018. Thanks for your hard work GoldenMochi & Calico!
Accuracy: 10
Cleanliness: 9.67
Complexity: 9.67
Total: 29.33
Accuracy: 10
Cleanliness: 10
Complexity: 9
Total: 29
Accuracy: 9.33
Cleanliness: 8.67
Complexity: 9
Total: 27
Accuracy: 8
Cleanliness: 6.67
Complexity: 7.67
Total: 22.33
Accuracy: 8
Cleanliness: 6.67
Complexity: 6
Total: 20.67