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Name and Social Info?

Hi, everyone! My name is Svperlunary, but most call me Lunary! Please refer to my directory at Linktree.com/svperlunary for all of my direct links! I appreciate the support!

Do you run a business you'd like to promote or do you have one in mind you'd like to lift up? Tell us about it.

I’d really love to give you, Arda Wigs, your flowers! Every wig I’ve ordered has been the most comfortable, easiest to style, and most durable of my cosplay wig collection. I love that you cater to both small and larger head sizes and even offer different variations of a wig style so that any cosplayer can find their perfect match!

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

I think I would become an astronaut or a veterinarian! My name is inspired by my love for astronomy (and Sailor Moon) and I love animals very much! I currently have a bunny and a puppy!

What made you start creating/cosplaying?

Over the years, I realize that I cosplay not only to show appreciation to my favorite characters but to also become more confident in myself. Almost every character that I cosplay is someone that I see parts of myself in or is someone that that I admire to be more like. Portraying them makes me feel closer to achieving that.

What is your favorite tool you use daily?

My phone! I can take pictures, edit, and share my work with my friends! It also keeps me in the loop on their wonderful projects as well! And of course, I can watch anime anywhere at any time.

What is your favorite Arda Wig? Why?

The Suri and the Chibi! Mitsuri Kanroji & Usagi Tsukino have very particular hair styles, so of course I only want the best of the best wigs for my portrayal!

My first official cosplay ever was Usagi Tsukino, but the wig I had was much too small for me! The Chibi Large fits me perfectly and the various shades of blonde helped me choose what I felt best complimented my skin tone.

As for the Suri, I LOVE that it comes accurately dyed so I could just focus on the fun part: making her as fluffy as possible and then braiding! There are many inaccurate options out there, so I always recommend to my fellow Mitsuri cosplayers to invest in a Suri!

What advice do you have for creators just starting out?

Keep the PLAY in cosplay! Nothing about this hobby should make you feel sad or stressed. Cosplay is about self expression and showing what you love most about your favorite characters. Your portrayal is one of one. Cosplay DOES NOT have to be expensive, please always be respectful, and never be afraid to ask questions! There’s always someone willing to answer, especially me!

What do you love most about cosplay/creating? What issues in the community do you wish you could change or bring awareness?

Wig styling is the best part of creating for me! I’m not the best at sewing, but I love making a base wig turn into what I want it to become! My second best would be prop making. I try to incorporate something that I’ve made with my own hands into my cosplay as much as possible.

An issue I would like to bring awareness to the community is mental health! It’s easy to become discouraged because of the emphasis on follower count and engagement, but what should matter most is that you’re having FUN and being authentic! Algorithms are out of our control, but we can control the vibe we bring to the community. A kind comment, a like, and a share can brighten someone's day. Let’s keep cosplaying supportive and inclusive!

What does Juneteenth mean to you?

The topic of Juneteenth is bittersweet to me, but I’m very glad it’s being acknowledged. Believe it or not, I actually learned about it on Tumblr probably about a decade ago! I hope this awareness inspires people to do more self research about our history and inspire others to do the same. Knowledge is power.

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

I would definitely bring my phone so I can stay in touch with my loved ones and keep up with my anime!


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