Want to know more about Arda CLASSIC and Arda SILKY? We've got some info for you!
Not sure which fiber type is right for you? We’re here to explain further!
‣ What is Arda CLASSIC?
Arda CLASSIC is our original proprietary blend of heat resistant synthetic fiber. Benefits of Arda CLASSIC are:
- Durable against heavy styling and high heat
- More textured fiber is ideal for spiking and styling with hair product
- Resists snags and pulling when combed heavily
- Matte, natural look
‣ What is Arda SILKY?
Arda SILKY is our newer proprietary blend of high-quality, heat resistant synthetic fiber. This fiber was developed in house and has never been seen in the market. Benefits of Arda SILKY are:
- Smooth and soft to the touch
- Smoother fiber shaft makes longer wigs easier to comb and detangle
- Resistant to tangling
- Low maintenance and great for ready-to-wear styles
‣ What benefits come with Arda-brand wigs?
All of our wigs come with the assurance of a big, roomy cap, heat resistant fibers, high fiber density, and custom blended colors for a natural look in pictures. Every Arda wig color has a minimum of three colors that go into the making of each of our shades.
‣ So which fiber do I choose?
That depends on what’s most important to you! For a wig that needs to stand up to a lot of heat or styling, pick CLASSIC!
If you want a wig that needs to stand up to a lot of activity, weather, or movement, pick SILKY!
Keep in mind that our CLASSIC fiber is extremely durable and definitely stands up to detangling, but SILKY is the choice for customers who need an effortless way to keep longer locks loose and flowing while on the go!
Arda Classic has a heat tolerance of 420° Fahrenheit. Arda Silky has a heat tolerance of 350° Fahrenheit. We do not recommend you go to the highest limits of these fibers - it is much easier to make a mistake that way, and can age the fiber quickly! We suggest staying between 300--325 for both types of fiber, or 200--300 if hair products such as hairspray are present. It's more than enough heat to accommodate any project. Treat it like you would your own hair!
Please click HERE for a list of Arda CLASSIC and Arda SILKY sister colors, and the Arda CLASSIC translation chart!
Need to update your old Classic Color Ring? Please download our Classic Color Code Update Sheet.
‣ I want Arda SILKY in all of your styles!
Woah there, cowboy. One thing at a time! We know everyone’s tastes are different, and we have plans to eventually bring Arda SILKY to many of our styles. Keep those requests coming in! It helps to know what people are after. Email with your request.