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Arda Summer Showcase

Arda Summer Showcase

-- Applications have Closed --


You’ve only been making costumes for a couple years or less and haven’t won a craftsmanship award before.

You’ve been making costumes for a few years or have won a couple awards previously.

You’ve been making costumes for many years or have won numerous awards.

Cosplay Craftsmanship Rules:

  • You must have made at least 75% of the costume yourself.
  • You cannot be a professional cosplayer or seamstress. This means you cannot enter if you make an income in the costume/cosplay industry.
  • The costume must be completed within the last calendar year and cannot have won any awards from any other conventions.
  • Your entry must include at least one high-quality reference photo, 5 progress photos and 1 complete photo showing the whole costume, plus one optional photo of the costume on.
  • If you include a formal photo of your costume, you must have permission from the photographer to include the photo, as it may be posted on our social media.
  • You must include a write-up about your costume.
  • The costume must be complete as per the design you set out to create. 
  • Awards include Best in Show and best of each category. Additional awards are up to Arda’s discretion based on the number of applicants.
  • To encourage social distancing, we will not be accepting group entries.
  • Each category will cap at 50 entries and will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Feel free to denote the categories you'd like to be considered for. You may request submission to more than one category. (i.e. Journeyman and Arda Style, or Master and Lumin's Foamsmith. You may not request consideration for more than one of the following categories: Novice, Journeyman, or Master.)

Drag Showcase Rules:

  • Your entry must include a headshot and 1 complete photo showing your whole ensemble
  • If you include a formal photo of your costume, you must have permission from the photographer to include the photo, as it may be posted on our social media.
  • Look need to be drag related. Cross-plays don't qualify for the drag showcase unless the participant has done and can show specific drag makeup techniques
  • Awards include Best in Drag and 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place.
  • Additional awards are up to Arda’s discretion based on the number of applicants.

Prizes By:


Cosplay Showcase

Novice Journeyman Master

1st Place 
$40 Arda Gift Certificate
$50 Cut/Sew Gift Certificate

2nd Place
$30 Arda Gift Certificate
$25 Cut/Sew Gift Certificate

3rd place 
$20 Arda Gift Certificate
$20 Cut/Sew Gift Certificate

1st Place
$50 Arda Gift Certificate
$50 Cut/Sew Gift Certificate

2nd Place
$40 Arda Gift Certificate
$25 Cut/Sew Gift Certificate

3rd place 
$30 Arda Gift Certificate
$20 Cut/Sew Gift Certificate

1st Place
$60 Arda Gift Certificate
$50 Cut/Sew Gift Certificate

2nd Place
$50 Arda Gift Certificate
$25 Cut/Sew Gift Certificate

3rd place 
$40 Arda Gift Certificate
$20 Cut/Sew Gift Certificate

Judge's Choice
3 prizes available
Each receive a $15 Arda Gift Certificate

Best in Show
$150 Arda Gift Certificate
$75 Cut/Sew Gift Certificate
Rit Dyemore Full Color Line

Arda Style
Styling-based, must use Arda wig to be eligible
$75 Arda Gift Certificate

Lumin's Foamsmith
Must incorporate at least 35% Lumin's foam into costume
$75 Arda Gift Certificate

Drag Showcase
1st Place $60 Arda Gift Certificate
2nd Place $50 Arda Gift Certificate
3rd Place $40  Arda Gift Certificate


    Other notes:

    Entrants do not need to have purchased an Arda wig (or any wig) for any placement other than the Arda Style category. Permanent and current seasonal Arda Wigs sponsors are ineligible to compete in the Arda Wigs Showcase.
    The Arda Summer Showcase will have 4-6 judges made up of creative professionals or experts from the community, and also employees from Arda Wigs. Judging will occur two weeks before the prize is to be announced on an individual basis, and then the judges will come together via Zoom to discuss decisions for a final winner. Winners will be announced on our social media and via a blog post. Arda Wigs reserves the right to change or alter these rules at anytime.

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