*Order processing time: 10-15 business days. We will be on a short shipping pause from February 14-23rd while we vend at Katsucon. Any order not shipped before February 13th will be shipped when we return starting on February 24th. Please email us at orders@arda-wigs.com if you are on a deadline as we are still catching up from holiday break and a large restock arriving. Thanks for your patience!*

Discontinued Wigs 2021

Discontinued Wigs 2021

Why are some styles being discontinued completely? Why are some styles unavailable for backorder?

Due to reduced sales volume during the pandemic and COVID-related labor shortages in Asia, our stock capacity has been severely impacted in the last year. With recovery coming slowly, we have chosen to temporarily discontinue some items that we will begin carrying again when the situations in the US and in Asia have improved. There are also some styles we have chosen to permanently discontinue because we feel that newer styles have rendered them obsolete. (For example, while we love the Chris, we love the Landon more, and it would appear you do too!) All of our items must meet minimum order quantities with our factory. As such, if we order a slow-moving item, much of that stock is with us for quite a while. By discontinuing some items, temporarily or otherwise, we hope to be able to focus our resources on our most popular and versatile styles.

We picked items to temporarily discontinue based on sales volume and similarity to other styles; we don’t want to leave anyone high and dry, so that’s why we chose wigs that could be considered “redundant”. For example, we love the Vivien, but did you know that every Ferrari is just a quick trim away from being a Vivien? By making our catalogue smaller, we hope that we can create a streamlined selection that still has something for everyone, maybe just with a little bit of trimming or styling required.

Temporarily discontinued items will be back, and we are more than happy to offer alternatives if you email us! If we permanently discontinue something you love, well. You can always email us, and who knows? If there's enough demand, we can get that back in, too.
Thanks for understanding. We are doing our best to get through this with you!

PLEASE NOTE: If you have a backorder for a temporarily discontinued wig, we will still be honoring those backorders.

Temporarily Discontinued

Regular price but backordering is unavailable. These wigs will be reordered after the pandemic ends.


Discounted pricing. Once these wigs are gone they will not be reordered.

Curly Clip
Long Curly Clip SILKY
Luthien SILKY
X-Long Clip-In Extensions






Ami Vivid
Anne Vivid
Buttercup SILKY
Katinka Vivid
Vivid Wefts & Extensions

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WARNING: You may purchase a higher quantity than what we currently have in stock, but by placing this OUT OF STOCK item in your cart, you are agreeing to place your ENTIRE ORDER on BACKORDER! This means your order will not ship until it can be completely fulfilled by the backordered item(s). Orders cannot be split after they are placed. If you need available items sooner, please purchase them on a separate transaction. Please visit our Backorder Policies page and Restock page for details.