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ArdaBaron Halloween Costume Contest

ArdaBaron Halloween Costume Contest

ArdaBaron Halloween Costume Contest with Arda Wigs and Silk Baron!

It’s been a long year, and everyone needs something to get excited about. That’s why Arda Wigs and Silk Baron have teamed up to bring you the most exciting costume contest in all of October!

Dust off your best duds, take some socially distant and responsible photos, and send them to us for your chance to win some fabulous prizes. Entries will be accepted from Monday, September 28 at 12pm CST until Sunday, November 1st at 12pm CST and will include prizes so good it’ll knock your socks off quicker than you can say “Wicked Witch of the East.” First place will win $100 in both Arda Wigs and Silk Baron credit, second place will win $75 in both Arda Wigs and Silk Baron credit, and third place will win $50 in both Arda Wigs and Silk Baron credit. Two $200 gift cards each will also be awarded to Arda Style and Silk Baron for two special costumes that primarily feature Arda wigs products and Silk Baron silks!

And that’s not all! Every Friday throughout the month of October, we will feature one spooky, Halloween-themed costume to win a $10 gift card to Arda Wigs and 20 free Silk Baron sample swatches! Entries must tag #ardabaronhalloween to win and will be chosen from entries submitted the previous week on Twitter and Instagram. Entries must be wearing an Arda wig to enter for these prizes.

There are a few rules, so read ‘em below.


For grand prizes, the awards are:

  • First: $100 online gift card to Arda Wigs and $100 online gift card to Silk Baron
  • Second: $75 online gift card to Arda Wigs and $75 online gift card to Silk Baron
  • Third: $50 online gift card to Arda Wigs and $50 online gift card to Silk Baron
  • Arda Style: $200 for the most impressive styling using an Arda Wig
  • Silk Baron Stasher: $200 for most impressive costume featuring Silk Baron silks
  • All entries must be sent to contests@arda-wigs.com with the header “Arda Baron Halloween Contest Entry”
  • Entries must be received between September 28th at 12pm and Nov 1st at 12pm.
  • You must have made at least 75% of the costume yourself.
  • Entries must include a reference photo of the character, no more than 3 progress photos, and 1-2 worn finished costume photos of NO MORE THAN 500KB FILESIZE PER PHOTO. Failure to follow this rule may result in disqualification.
  • Costume must have been completed in 2020 and must not have received a major award.
  • Entrants must include a write-up about their costume of 600 words or less.
  • We will not be accepting group entries.
  • Arda wigs and Silk Baron silks do not need to be utilized in the costumes entered aside from the two specific prizes where they must be featured. Costumes entered into the Silk Baron Stasher competition must be comprised of at least 50% silk that was purchased from Silk Baron. Please indicate the type(s) and name(s) of the silk(s) you've used.
  • Gift cards are not redeemable for cash. Winners will be chosen using a panel of Arda Wigs and Silk Baron judges and craftsmanship will be considered.
  • By entering you are acknowledging you have full rights and permissions to submit the photos you are submitting, and you are giving Arda Wigs and Silk Baron permission to feature your name, photos, and likeness on their website and social media if you are chosen as a winner.

For online social media prizes:

  • One winner will be picked on each Friday through October: Oct 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and the 30th from the entries hashtagged using #ardabaronhalloween, #ardastyle, and #silkbaron on Instagram and Twitter from the preceding week (Saturday-Thursday).
  • Each winner will be reblogged on Arda Wigs’s and Silk Baron’s social media platforms. 
  • Costumes submitted can be closet costumes or purchased costumes, but they must feature an Arda Wig.
  • Winner chosen will receive one $10 gift card to Arda Wigs and a voucher for 20 free swatches from Silk Baron’s website.
  • Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash.
  • By entering you are agreeing to give Arda Wigs and Silk Baron permission to feature your photo on their social media and are acknowledging you have read and agree to the terms listed here.

Happy Halloween!

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