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ArdaBaron: Winners!

ArdaBaron: Winners!

SuncakeMooncakeCosplay | @suncakemooncake
Dio - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure


Jen | @aurorahermoine
Takarazuka Inspired



Azulette | @azulettecosplay
Cassandra - Soulcalibur



1st Place Arda Style
Janelle | @Seams.come.true
Susan the Alien
Photographer: @dadpants.photo


2nd Place Arda Style
LyoNaka | @lyo_naka
Star Guardian Zoe - League of Legends


1st Place Silkbaron Stasher
Sunset Dragon | @_sunsetdragon_
Queen Anna - Frozen 2



2nd Place Silkbaron Stasher
Hope | @HautebyHope
Mary Poppins - Mary Poppins Returns



Nan | @hailthenaninator 
Yuuko Ichihara - ×××HOLiC
Photographer: @loulouliuuu



Luna Lady of Light | @lunaladyoflight
Holy Mami - Madoka Magica
Photographer: @artisticaise_photography 



Hannah O
Mary Poppins | Mary Poppins


 Thank you to everyone who submitted their work!
We enjoyed looking at all the creativity and hard work our contestants poured into their creations. 

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