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ArdaCon 2020 Masquerade Winners

ArdaCon 2020 Masquerade Winners

Sikay - Instagram | Facebook | Youtube
Cosplay: Jeanne - Summoners War


★ 1st Place ★

Kirilee Cosplay - Instagram | Facebook | Youtube
Cosplay: Tudor Yoda - Star Wars x History


★ 2nd Place ★

Tiffany - Instagram | Twitter
Cosplay: Aziraphale - Good Omens


★ 3rd Place ★

Chaotic Neutral Cosplay - Instagram | Facebook
Cosplay: Rohan Kishibe - Jojo's Bizarre Adventures: Diamond is Unbreakable


★ 1st Place ★

Tayduffers - Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
Cosplay: Rapunzel - Tangled


★ 2nd Place ★

Valesti - Instagram | Twitter
Cosplay: Felix - Fire Emblem: Three Houses


★ 3rd Place ★

Moonllita - Instagram | Facebook
Cosplay: Morag - Xenoblade Chronicles 2


★ 1st Place ★

Miss Eliza Creates - Instagram | Facebook
Cosplay: Jester - Critical Role

Photographer: KTREM Photography 

★ 2nd Place ★

thecarmeister - Instagram
Cosplay: Azula - Avatar: The Last Airbender


★ 3rd Place ★

BlueJay Cosplay
Cosplay: Daenerys Targaryen - Game of Thrones


Yami No Cosplay - Instagram | Facebook | Youtube
Cosplay: Henry “Yugi” Tudor - Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duelist Of The Roses
Wig: Magnum in Plum for the base wig, Long Wefts in Raspberry and Short Wefts in Black for the spikes, and Short Wefts in Light Blonde for the bangs


Emilo - Instagram
Cosplay: Zinogre - Monster Hunter

Photographer: Cielo+ Photography


★ GSTQ Fashions Judge's Choice ★

Erl - Instagram
Cosplay: Alistair - Dragon Age Origins


★ LuckyGrim Judge's Choice ★

Asteroid Cosplay - Instagram
Cosplay: Lagertha - Vikings


★ Malindachan Judge's Choice ★

Squeakadeeks - Twitter
Cosplay: Alfonse - Fire Emblem: Heroes


★ Harl Judge's Choice ★

Abbynormal - Instagram
Cosplay: Symmetra - Overwatch


★ Amara Judge's Choice ★

Lowell from Luscofusco Cosplay - Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
Cosplay: Princess Zelda - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


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