*Order processing time: 8-10 business days. Email us at orders@arda-wigs.com with any questions or deadlines. Thanks for your patience!*

May Restock Announcement

May Restock Announcement

Hi Arda friends! We know some of you are waiting for restock updates, so we wanted to take a moment to let you know what's happening so if you're waiting on an item for a con you are in the know for our restock schedule. 

This has been one of our biggest restocks ever, so in order to get the most out in the fastest amount of time, it was broken into five shipments. The three last shipments are scheduled for this week and next week. We've got another arriving at our warehouse (hopefully!) tomorrow or Monday. Those items we will be shipping out next week and we will do our best to send them as quickly as possible. Another is shipping tomorrow and will arrive on or about the 18th, and the final will be shipping on the 18th and should arrive on or about the 24th.

We understand some of you waiting on May restock are waiting for your items for Momo, Mega, and Acen. We do have item lists for each shipment, so if you need your item by a specific date and would like to see what shipment it is in so you know how to plan, please send us an email and let us know what item you're waiting on. We'll do our best to make sure you're taken care of how we are able, whether it be con pickups, alternatives, etc.

If you don't need your May restock order by a deadline, well, it is on its way and will be here soon and shipped out to you ASAP!

Thanks for being awesome during this super busy month. We love you!

Arda Wigs

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WARNING: You may purchase a higher quantity than what we currently have in stock, but by placing this OUT OF STOCK item in your cart, you are agreeing to place your ENTIRE ORDER on BACKORDER! This means your order will not ship until it can be completely fulfilled by the backordered item(s). Orders cannot be split after they are placed. If you need available items sooner, please purchase them on a separate transaction. Please visit our Backorder Policies page and Restock page for details.