*Order processing time: 10-12 business days. Email us at orders@arda-wigs.com with any questions or deadlines. Thanks for your patience!*

Welcome to our New Website!


We're excited to announce that we've completely revamped Arda-Wigs.com! Here you'll find the same great cosplay, drag, fashion and lolita wigs and cosplay supplies at the same affordable prices in a friendlier package!!

A few important pieces of information we want to share:

  • Your account is still active! That's right, you don't have to re-register HURRAY! A password reset may be required when you log in for security reasons.
  • Arda Coins are currently disabled. You cannot spend or earn Arda Coins at the moment but never fear, they will be back soon!! Also, we have saved your point total from 11/10/2016 and when Arda Coins are back, you will have that same point total to use right away!
  • Free Shipping on orders in the US over $99 is still active and now automatically becomes available on check out, no coupon code required. Enjoy! :)
  • It's possible that if you made an order around the time frame of 11/10/2016 that you will not see those new points or orders in your account. Feel free to email us at orders@arda-wigs.com and we'll help you fix that or confirm your order!

We've also got new products, tutorials and other great content that will be coming up on our new site shortly so keep checking our Facebookpage for updates! Thanks for sticking with us while we settle in and we hope you enjoy our new page. We'd love to hear your feedback and are happy to assist with any questions you may have. Feel free to contact us at one of these locations:

  • Questions about Orders already placed and Arda Coins; orders@arda-wigs.com
  • Questions or feedback about our site or products; customers@arda-wigs.com

      -the Arda Wigs Team

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WARNING: You may purchase a higher quantity than what we currently have in stock, but by placing this OUT OF STOCK item in your cart, you are agreeing to place your ENTIRE ORDER on BACKORDER! This means your order will not ship until it can be completely fulfilled by the backordered item(s). Orders cannot be split after they are placed. If you need available items sooner, please purchase them on a separate transaction. Please visit our Backorder Policies page and Restock page for details.