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Wig Suggestion Guide – Fire Emblem Fates: Nuetral Characters

Wig Suggestion Guide – Fire Emblem Fates: Nuetral Characters


Long styles like this one can be very high maintenance. For a more manageable style, you might choose a Le Tigre instead.

The Curly Clip can be straightened with a flat iron.

In some images, it looks like his hair could be Titanium Blonde. The Buttercup can be parted at the center with a hair dryer, or the Imladris makes a good Lace Front option. If you want a lace front that has a part in the center, then you could straighten a Dany with a flat iron.

This style has lots of layers, though might need a little trimming.

The artwork looks a like a washed out dark brown. Light Brown would be a good interpretation as well, though it’ll be a bit warmer. Custom dyeing a lighter color darker would get the most accurate color. The bangs can be trimmed, and sections of the pigtails could be trimmed and curled to get the flippy layers.

The Jaguar is a shorter base to start with, while the Vegas will be a bit fluffier. Both styles have pre-teased top that makes it easier for spiking, and you can hand-color the black sections with sharpie or copic markers. Or, tack on a trimmed 3/4 bang clip-on in Black.

Use heat from a hair dryer to fluff the layers upwards, and set with a little hairspray.

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