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Wig Suggestion Guide: Seraph of the End

Wig Suggestion Guide: Seraph of the End


Be sure to give your Hansel a shake for extra fluffiness!


Fairy Blonde is most accurate to the anime, though you might opt for another blonde shade depending on your complexion.
The Ferrari is thick enough for a ponytail, but if you want more coverage for the back edge for her updo, you can use a pack of extra wefts. Check this guide for more info about putting Ferrari into a ponytail or updo here.
You might opt for another blonde shade depending on your preference! The Chibi has a pigtail part down the back, while the Lulu is a good alternative if you have trouble with the specialty wig’s sizing or wish for a cheaper base wig to go with clip-on tails. Curly clips can be straightened with heat, and will give a more poofy ponytail look.


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