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Wig Suggestions: Fantastic Beasts

Wig Suggestions: Fantastic Beasts
The Benny would need to be trimmed in the back, but it's already curled a bit in the front. The Derek is a good option if you don't want to trim anything, but don't mind curling it yourself.
The Skyelar has light waves and long bangs. A little trimming, and it's perfect!
Brush the Josephine out for a fluffier look!
This style would need a little trimming and curling for the most accurate look. A Marty could work as well if the widow's peak is plucked/trimmed smaller.
Credence does has some layering in his haircut, which might make the Rocky more suitable than the Lee. Either option would need some trimming. For the undercut, you could do a bald cap application with the top section of your wig, or splice the top with the bottom of a lighter colored Rocky (grey or light grey).

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