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Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku Wig Suggestion Guide

Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku Wig Suggestion Guide

Narumi Momose

Nina in Light Pink

The curls on our Nina can be straightened with a flat iron!

Hirotaka Nifuji

Derek in Dark Blue

Caine in Dark Blue

The Derek will be shorter in the back and has a button skin top, while the Caine has a teased top.

Hanako Koyanagi

Ferrari in Olive

Ferrari in Grass Green

Color varies depending on the reference image. Use a flat iron to straighten the waves.

Tarō Kabakura

Jett in Fire Orange

Marty in Pumpkin

The Jett would be a closer length, and easy to fluff with a hairdryer. If you'd prefer a lacefront, you might like our Marty style in Pumpkin. Pluck the widow's peak to make it less dramatic.

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