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Many characters in this guide have an undercut style. For this, we are happy to introduce our new undercut style: Kyle! This wig has a pre-teased top with longer fibers that can be spiked and styled for a variety of characters. The bottom is already super-short with wefts aplenty, and we have some dual tone options so you won't need to splice two wigs together for your undercut needs.

This wig will be available in the near future!


Otabek Altin

Kyle in Black/Ash Black

Caine in Black

Cady in Black

Jett in Natural Black

Kyle in Black top and Ash Black undercut, or Caine or Cady spliced together with a Jett in the same colors. You might opt for Natural Black if you want a hint of brown. The top of either of these styles can be heat-trained back with a hair dryer and trimmed for a more accurate style. The Rocky (which is often used for undercuts) isn't available in Ash Black, but we do carry it in the Jett (which can be trimmed a little shorter). If you'd prefer a Rocky, Grey or Natural Black could be some possible alternative colors. See our tutorial here if you would like to create your own undercut with two wigs:


Kyle in Black/Ash Black

Caine in Black

Cady in Black

Jett in Natural Black

Kyle in Black top and Ash Black undercut, or Caine or Cady spliced together with a Jett in the same colors. You might opt for Natural Black if you want a hint of brown. The top of either of these styles can be heat-trained and floofed up with a hair dryer and trimmed for a more accurate style. The Rocky (which is often used for undercuts) isn't available in Ash Black, but we do carry it in the Jett (which can be trimmed a little shorter). If you'd prefer a Rocky, Grey or Natural Black could be some possible alternative colors. See our tutorial here if you would like to create your own undercut with two wigs:

Christophe Giacometti

Kyle in Blonde/Dark brown

Jett in Fairy Blonde

Rufio in Dark Brown

Jett in Champagne

Kyle with Fairy Blonde or Champagne top and Dark Brown undercut, or Jett spliced together with a Rufio or a Rocky in the same colors. The top of our new undercut style would need to be trimmed shorter. See our tutorial here if you'd like to splice the Jett with a Rufio to make your own undercut: 


Kenjirou Minami

Hansel in Pale Blonde

Marty in Pale Blonde

Wefts in Apple Red

Bombshell Bang in Apple Red

Hansel or Cady in Pale Blonde, with wefts or a bombshell bang in Apple Red
A Hansel with a bang clip would be the easiest solution, but experienced stylists might prefer swapping wefts out in the front for red ones, or re-ventilating part of a lacefront. Alternatively you could hand-color the red section with sharpie markers for a warm red tone, though keep in mind that the color can run when sprayed with hairspray.

Phichit Chulanont

Derek in Black

Derek in Natural Black

Derek in Black or Natural Black
This style might need a slight trim in the front/sides for a more accurate length.

Georgi Popovich

Blue Steele in Black

Blue Steele in Natural Black

Blue Steele in Black or Natural Black
The Blue Steele is short in the back and has a longer bang that can be trimmed and styled into a pomp! You could alternatively use a Cady or Marty if you prefer a lacefront, though they'd need a bit more styling.

Mila Babicheva

Bucky in Crimson

Skyelar in Maroon

Bucky in Crimson or Skyelar in Maroon
Either of these styles are great for Mila with a little trimming!

Yuuko Nishigori

Jeannie in Chocolate

Jeannie in Chocolate. No need to be intimidated by the long tail, since it's a clip-on! :) You can trim the Jeannie's base tail and bangs a little shorter for a more accurate length.

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