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Customer Spotlight: Hee-Hee

Customer Spotlight: Hee-Hee
Wig style and color used in photo: Jareth in Powder Blue 065 with a long weft in Baby Pink 163.

Photo by Lane Marie Photography


This week we interviewed wig-savvy customer, Hee-Hee! See more of her work here

Q:  When did you start cosplaying, and what got you started?
A:  I started cosplay in 2006, I believe! My twin sister and I are from a small town and the internet was still fairly new at our house- when we were finally able to each have our own computers, we began to see these strange kids having Halloween fun all year around on the web! It looked like a blast, and that’s how we first started learning about cosplay.

Q:  What is your favorite part of the costume-making process?
A:  Wigs and facial hair pieces are my current favorite! It’s pretty rare that I cosplay characters with simple hairstyles, so it’s fun to try and translate these designs into real life!

You also can’t beat a good mustache. That’s just a fact.

Q:  Which costume are you most proud of?
A:  This is a tough one, as each of my costumes represents something personal and special to me. So many of them symbolize a milestone; a new technique I’ve learned, or merely a goal that I’ve set for myself and been able to finish to the best of my ability.

But I think my cosplay of Simon from Adventure Time may mean the most in regards to that- I try to stay humble in this hobby, but when I put Simon on for the first time in our hotel room, I just felt such pride at the reflection. I went into the project not knowing how to make prosthetics or lay facial hair, yet I was able to push myself and learn to make it happen. Honestly, my confidence had faltered up until the very end, so I was very proud of that.

Q:  Do you have a favorite Arda Wig style and/or color?
A:  I’m a pretty big fan of spiking styles, so I think the Jareth is my favorite. I rarely wear any wig straight out of the bag, and I think Arda has some of the best base wigs FOR heavy styling projects. I haven’t been able to use it often (only once, in fact), but Powder Blue is a gloriously pretty and soft shade– I’m just in love with it.

Grape is also a wonderfully rich color; it makes me thirsty!

Q:  What advice do you have for new cosplayers getting into the hobby?
A:   Don’t be afraid of mistakes.
Don’t be afraid of ridicule.
Don’t be afraid of being ridiculous.
Don’t be afraid of humor.
Don’t be afraid of confidence.
Don’t be afraid of being ugly.
Don’t let someone else tell you what you think.
Don’t let someone else tell you how you feel.
Don’t let someone else tell you if you’ve succeeded.
Cosplay who you love, and who you want.

Be kind. And Cosplay Fearless.

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