Darth Mars

Name and Social Info?
HI! I’m Darth Mars!
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Tiktok | Art Instagram
Photo by The UsualRangers: Instagram
Do you run a business you'd like to promote or do you have one in mind you'd like to lift up?
Tell us about it! I am a freelance artist and I work on commissions. You can check out my Art Instagram for more information. I would also like to uplift this awesome black owned business called Superbaddiekawaii! They have the best and cutest lashes ever! I highly recommend them!
What does Juneteenth mean to you?
Juneteenth means to me a celebration of being black and proud. We continue to honor and remember our ancestors and activists who fought so we could be where we are now. And we will continue to fight for a world that treats us like human beings. To be honest, sometimes it’s hard to believe that a better world can ever be achievable, but this day reminds me that if we stand together we can overcome anything.
What made you start sewing/cosplay?
I started cosplaying after graduating college. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with my life (still don’t) and My friends were heading to a convention so I thought, well, I have my own adult money and time... why not put all of that into cosplaying? It helped with my anxiety, kept me busy and I really enjoyed it.
What advice do you have for creators just starting out?
My advice for creators just starting out is to just go for it. It doesn't matter who you are or what people say, just go for it. Don't compare yourself to others because this is your journey and your time. You are special and different and no one can take that away from you, but yourself.
What is your favorite sewing tool you use daily? Favorite fabric?
I’m extremely new to sewing and my lines were soo wobbly until I found a magnetic seam guide! I use that thing EVERY TIME and it’s my absolute favorite sewing tool! (also heatnbond adhesive! NO SHAME HERE!) Favorite fabric? OMG so I fell in love with this color shifting red purple stretch pleather… if I could use that in every cosplay I would!
What is your favorite Arda Wig? Why?
MY favorite Arda wig so far is the Le Tigre. It’s super soft, very LOOONG and affordable! It’s super easy to manage and makes great wefts for a base wig that you would like to spruce up.
What do you love most about cosplay? What do you wish you could change?
What I love most about cosplaying is bringing characters to life, especially the characters that look like me. I get all excited, I truly feel like that character. I become more confident and in a way this confidence transfer over when I’m not cosplaying. I would like to change the toxicity within the community. It’s been a great community, but at times there is gatekeeping, racism and body shaming. I just wish we could all respect each other and be more caring.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
I would still like to stay in the art field. Cosplay has opened my eyes and made me think, “I wish I went into that profession”. Some of those professions I would like to attempt are set designing, special effects makeup, and prop making.
If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?
A pencil and paper.