Victoria Bane

Name and Social Info?
Victoria Bane
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Photo by Photo Persuasion: Website | Instagram
Do you run a business you'd like to promote or do you have one in mind you'd like to lift up? Tell us about it!
I do my own commissions as my primary job at the moment, you can check out my work on my Instagram. But! I would really love to promote the ah-mazing plush made by one of my fave people, Beenerdish! Her shop is currently on a break, but you can check out her work on Instagram!
What does Juneteenth mean to you?
To me, Juneteenth is a day of remembrance and a celebration of Black joy. But it is also a day of hope. Even though freedom for Black Americans was confirmed on this day, it was not a complete freedom. We struggle against so many forms of systemic oppression to this day. But on this day of joy I look to the future, and I believe in my heart that by working together and with our allies that we can dismantle these systems and bring true equity to America. Maybe even in my lifetime. Some people might think that it's foolhardy to believe in that sort of future, but I hold it firm in my heart. Juneteenth is a day that reminds me that progress can, will and must be made.
What made you start sewing/cosplay?
I first started cosplaying after I went to my very first anime convention when I was 17 (I believe it was A-kon 12). After I had seen everyone in their amazing costumes, I knew I had to start making my own as well.
What advice do you have for creators just starting out?
Start small and work your way up. Don't be discouraged if you have setbacks as these can provide opportunities for you to find different solutions to the issues you're having. And don't try to compare yourself to any other cosplayer. Just focus on improving your own skills and work your way into more challenging projects bit by bit and you'll do just fine!
What is your favorite sewing tool you use daily? Favorite fabric?
My favorite sewing tool is the seam ripper, but since it usually means I'm fixing a mistake, it's also my least favorite lol. I think my favorite fabric to work with at the moment would be peachskin because of the weight, and flow of the fabric.
What is your favorite Arda Wig? Why?
It's a tie! The Jareth and the Inigo are my top go to wigs because they can be utilized in so many different ways. I've made a lot of very different wigs that don't look anything like the base wigs and I never have to worry about moving the skin top or if there won't be enough coverage.
What do you love most about cosplay? What do you wish you could change?
I love the friendships that came from cosplay. The togetherness that I feel with others geeking out about our favorite characters is something I hold very dear. Having said that, I would absolutely change the cloud of toxicity that hangs over the community. It's all so unnecessary. There are a lot of things that need to be worked through.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
I think something I've always wanted to delve into more is marketing/advertising. I love coming up with unique ideas to promote things and I think it's something I'd do well at.
If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?:
That's a hard one, but if I could only do two, it'd probably be my NeoGeo Pocket and my favorite book. Gotta keep entertained!