Black Clover: Wig Suggestion Guide

Hansel or Jareth in (CL-053A) Victory Blonde
His fluffy hair can be easily achieved with our styles made for spiking. Check out our Reki Kyan tutorial for inspiration in spikes! A little bit of teasing should help to get enough volume for gravity defying spikes.
Yuno Grinberryall
Magnum Long in (CL-078) Black
His sleek and black hair style can easily be made out of a Magnum long with some thinning and adjustments.
Noelle Silva
Chibi in (CL-082) Silver
Our Chibi is a perfect choice for Noelle, with a bit of altering and lowering of the ponytails. If you want a more versatile style, a Lulu and two Mid Clips in the same color would work perfectly too.
Yami Sukehiro
Marty or Jiro in (CL-078) Black
Our already fluffy Marty is a great base for Yami’s hair style. If it is too short for you, add a short weft in the same color. If you are on a budget, a Jiro is a good alternative to the Marty with its swept back hardfront. It comes in additional new colors including Black.
Julius Novachrono
Magnum or Jett + Long Weft in (CL-059) Ginger Blonde
He has two different hairstyles throughout the story. For his longer, fluffy version a Magnum would be the ideal length. For his shorter style, with two long braids in the back a Jett with a Long Weft would be a great combination. Ginger Blonde has a not too yellowish undertone. If you want it lighter or more yellow, Light Blonde would be the match.
Marty in (CL-029) Powder Blue or (CL-082) Silver
Mars has light purple hair; however, we don’t have such light colored purple. Starting with a Silver Marty or Jiro you can dye a light tint to it. If you want it cooler or a blueish undertone, start with a Marty in Powder Blue. Check out our Wig Dyeing tutorial, if you want to give it a try!
Zora Ideale
Morpheus or Phoenix in (CL-004) Apple Red
Zora has a swept back, slightly spiked, fiery red hairstyle. A lacefront like our Morpheus is already made for gravity defying ponytails and styles, so it would be a perfect option. If you are on a budget, a Phoenix or a Jiro would be a good option.
Nozel Silva
Dany or Malinda in (CL-082) Silver
Nozel has a very distinguished hairstyle with a braid as bangs. The rest of his hair is swept back, so a lace front would be the best match for him. A Dany would be a good option because it has a laced middle parting. If you are on a budget, a Malinda can be altered with heat to match his hairstyle.