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DARLING in the FRANXX Wig Suggestion Guide

DARLING in the FRANXX Wig Suggestion Guide


Derek in Black

Caine in Black

The Caine has a pre-teased top, while the Derek has a coin-sized skin top at the crown. These styles also come in Silky (Onyx).

Zero Two

Venus in Serah Pink

Venus in Petal Pink

The Venus may just need some trimming in the bangs. Our Nina is also a good option if you straighten the curls with a flat iron or simmering hot water.


Kyle w/ Fairy Blonde top and Dark Brown Undercut

This style already has a darker colored undercut! The top is thick and lightly teased, which is great for spiking. We recommend Got2b Hairspray for styling.


Westley in Dark Blue

Westley in Midnight Blue

The Westley has a skin top that allows you to heat-train the front to either side with a hairdryer. Would need just a little trimming to the length and to add bangs. Color varies depending on the reference image. Our Inigo also makes a great alternative, though would need the length trimmed.

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