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Free! Dive to the Future Wig Suggestion Guide

Free! Dive to the Future Wig Suggestion Guide

Haruka Nanase

The Derek has a coin-sized skin top at the crown, while the Caine has a pre-teased top. These styes also come in Black (Classic) and Onyx (Silky).

Makoto Tachibana

Hazel Brown and Asparagus are brown shades with a hint of green blended in to create Makoto's unique color. You can use a hair dryer to part the hair more on the side. Light Brown (CL-072) is also a good alternative color.

Ikuya Kirishima

Caine has a pre-teased top, which adds some versatility around the crown area. You can use a hair dryer to part the hair more on the side.

Asahi Shiina

Minimal styling needed. Shake out of the bag, blowdry to the side, and trim the bottom just a tad in the back.

Rin Matsuoka

The Jaguar would need a little trimming on the sides. Our Ken premium lace style will be available soon in Dark Berry if you'd like a lace front option!

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