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Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Wig Suggestion Guide

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Wig Suggestion Guide

Ombre dyes galore! Between June 2, 2017 - June 9, 2017 get 15% all Rit dyes through Arda Wigs USA and Arda Wigs Canada using the code: ArdaRitDye15

Many of the wigs in this guide are gradient dyed! For an example of multicolor gradient dying, please watch our Sombra Tutorial here: 


Jeannie in Salmon

Jeannie in Peony Pink (Coming Soon!)

Without the clip-on, the Jeannie's base tail is the perfect length for Kobayashi! Just trim the bangs. Salmon will have an orangey pink tone, while Peony is more on the pink side.


Jaguar in Pale Blonde

Long Clip in Pale Blonde

The easy solution is to dip dye the forelocks and tails with Rit's Apricot Orange and Super Pink Dyemore polyester dyes. The pink will be a bit more orange than the references, but it'd be much easier than trying to dye a white wig with the individual colors.

Kanna Kamui

Venus in Silver

Venus in Pale Lilac

Leia in Pure White

The Leia will have a skin part down the back, but the Venus can work as well if you criss-cross the back like in our tutorial:

You can dye the ends of this wig with a very light amount of Rit's Super Pink and Royal Purple Dyemore polyester dyes.


Westley in Grape

Buttercup in Plum

The Westley can be hand-colored with sharpie markers on top for a less styling-intensive solution. If you want a more permanent color, you can dip dye the top of a wig with Rit's Graphite Dyemore polyester dye. It's easier to use a Buttercup for the Rit dye method, since it has more length and longer layers to grab onto when dipping. Both of these styles have a skin top that allow you to part the style down the center with heat from a hair dryer.


Luthien in Pure White

Luthien in Fairy Blonde

You can dip dye the ends of a blonde wig with green and blue dyes, but the bottom will be a darker shade with green mixed in. A good alternative could be dyeing the top of a white wig with Rit's Daffodil Dyemore polyester dye, and leaving the ends white to hand-color with sharpie markers. The sharpie colors can run off, but they'll allow much more control of the color to keep the blue and green separated. After styling, you could use the floor wax technique on the ends to seal the dye, but you will not be able to use flat irons on that area: http://koi-ishly.deviantart.com/art/Pledeg-Floor-Wax-seals-sharpie-262631190

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